ler Courier-Times TUESDAY, JULY 22,1986 Sec. 3 Doctor Says 30 Died Of Chernobyl Injuries To Your Good Health Paul G. Donohue, M.D. Doses of radiation over 500 rads are believed to kill off most or all bone marrow cells, which are an important part of the body's immune system, said Reisner. He also said Soviet doctors secretly admitted they had documented cases of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in the Soviet Union although the government has officially reported to world health agencies they have no incidences of the deadly disease that is linked to drug use and hom*osexuality.
NEW YORK (UPII Only five of 35 Chernobyl victims treated in Moscow are still alive, putting the death toll higher than figures reported by the Soviets, said an Israeli member of a medical team that treated the victims. Yair Reisner, who joined with three American doctors to treat 35 injured men in Moscow after the April 26 disaster at the Chernobyl reactor outside of Kiev, said Monday he could account for the fate of all of them. All but five have died, meaning at least 30 people were killed as a result of the massive nuclear reac tor accident, Reisner said at a news conference. The Soviets have reported 28 deaths due to the accident. Dr.
Robert Gale, an American bone marrow expert who headed the four-member team, has flown to Moscow to examine the five patients who are still alive, he said. Reisner, a researcher at Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science and a biophysicist who developed a technique to purify bone marrow for transplant, said of those he treated were reactor workers and firemen who had close contact with the burning reactor core. Dear Dr. Donohue: How soon after a heart attack should a man return to his work? My husband (57) had a serious attack, from which he is now recovering at home. I am afraid for him, because I know how he is, and that he will want to go back way too soon.
He talks of it constantly, and is even calling the office now. He has a desk job, and that is even more reason (he thinks) why he should be back yesterday. I know this isn't much to go on. He does light exercise regularly. This was his first attack.
Mrs. K.I. Generalities fail miserably in trying to answer such questions, so I'm sure you'll forgive the medical columnist's bromide, that "his doctor should be the one to decide this." Tests that determine the present strength of his heart will help the doctor determine the timing. Generally, doctors prefer their patients to return to work as soon as they're physically able to do so. Fully 90 percent of heart attack patients do go back to their jobs.
The average recovery period from such a heart, attack as your husband's might range from two to three months for those engaged 1 in manual labor. It can be as brief as from one to two months for white-collar workers. Your husband's anxiety is classic. Many patients undergo psychological stresses from forced inactivity that often outweigh the moderate physical stress of work. Frequently, those judged at too great a risk to return to previous positions are able to withstand less taxing ones.
Encourage your husband's prescribed exercise. Those who do that at home in the early ABSOLUTE He said 16 of the 35 men died before they could be treated. All of the remaining 19 received bone marrow transplants nine performed by Soviet doctors before the Western team arrived and 10 performed by the team during their approximate two-week-long stay in the Soviet Union. All nine operated on by the Soviet doctors have died and five of those treated by the American team have also died, he said. "I saw only the worst patients in Moscow they had many more patients in Kiev," said Reisner, who added the casualty figure could be higher.
A report released by the Soviet Union Saturday blamed the disaster on "gross breaches" of plant regulations that officials said left 28 people dead and 203 hospitalized. The Soviets had a'jo reported that two workers were killed immediately in the reactor explosion. That could put the death toll to at least 32 if Reisner is correct about 30 patients dying in Moscow in the weeks following the accident. Reisner said he was told by Soviet officials that the 35 injured flown to Moscow's Number 6 Hospital were "the worst cases." The men suffered burns and abrasions from the accident, he said. They had lost their hair and were vomiting continuously as a result of radiation sickness.
Carpet CarcTnEE SPECIAL One Room of Dupont Teflon Carpet MM. Protection Purchase of Another STKAM CLEAN ANY SIZE ROOM SPECIAL STEAM CLEAN ANY 4 ROOMS 3998 NO SIZE LIMIT 98 Per Room 2 Room Minimum Smrvlc98 Includ0: 535-2028 TYLER 1-M440-1617 15 Years Experience Uotl Futility Mowd New Mexico Girl Given New Heart Back In Hospital CLOVIS, N.M. (AP) Nona White, a 13-year-old Clovis girl who underwent a heart transplant operation in Houston last September, has been admitted to Cannon Air Force Base Hospital following a seizure, a base public information officer says. The spokesman said the teenager was admitted at 6:20 p.m. Sunday and was listed in stable condition.
He said he had no information on the type of seizure. There were no plans to transfer the girl to another hospital, the base spokesman said. Nona celebrated her 13th birthday last fall in a Houston hospital for the transplant operation. She arrived back in Clovis in February. Doctors recently said her twin sister, Dawn, also will have to have a heart transplant operation.
Hvios Rid FlMt IF YOU CAN WATER, 81E YOU CAN PLANT NOW! CRAPE TV SHOWCASE Every Sunday! Tyler Courier-Times Telegraph periods of recovery fare better than those who don t. Dear Dr. Donohue: I always was told that bowed knees in a child is a sign of rickets. My little boy has just started to walk, or try to, and his legs bow considerably. Being our first, I am all the more worried.
Should he be seen by a specialist? Mrs. T.L. Vitamin deficiency causes rickets. With it the poorly-mineralized bones become weak, and, yes, might have pronounced bowing. Rickets isn't seen much today, for we have many sources of vitamin-enriched foods, chiefly milk, that assure adequate intake.
Many years ago it was a major problem in areas of the world where the vitamin deficiency was rampant. Now, for the sake of completeness, I must mention a form of rickets that is inherited and not directly related to poor diet. This form has to do with an inability of the child to handle the vitamin. Because you do mention (another part of your letter) a history of rickets in your family, I urge you to tell the boy's pediatrician if you have not done so. With that information, he can evaluate things more closely.
Finally, let me add there are very few infants who do not have a certain amount of leg bowing. The pediatrician is skilled in recognizing muscle or other developmental problems that might be aggravating this natural tendency. Dear Dr. Donohue: Is it true that older people need more vitamin Older people need supplements if (1) they fail to get sufficient sun exposure, or (2) they have severely limited food intake that deprives them of that source. Sunlight manufactures vitamin by acting on what are called precursors.
Older people tend to get less sun exposure and besides, have fewer of these vitamin skin precursors than do younger folks. Dear Dr. Donohue: Is it possible for an adult male to have bleeding from the penis? If so, what could be the cause? Thank you. Please hurry! J.K. You asked me to hurry.
I hope that your good sense has taken you to your doctor, if this is happening to you. Certainly, it can happen, and at any age. I don't think I'd be doing anyone a great favor by listing all the possible causes. And cause depends on a lot of factors type of bleeding, when, how long, etc. Causes can be innocent or very serious.
The best advice I can give you or other males with this sign is to see your doctor and let him track down the cause. Much heart trouble is preventable. Write to Dr. Donohue, P.O. Box 11210, Chicago, 111., 60611, for a copy of his booklet, "How to Take Care of Your Heart." Enclose a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope and 50 cents.
MYRTLES over 30 varieties, all dwarf, semi dwarf tree types. $3.50 to $250.00 i I Fresh Summer Inexpensive CALAOIUMS CANNAS LANTANA PERIWINKLES HIBICUS more Fresh TOMATO PLANTS 6 for $1 00 Habersham Plantation Semi-Annual Sale 12 20 OFF Selected Pieces Storewide Sale 20 Off all in store merchandise One sale table with items up to 75 Off II I) New Hours: I I if Sun.Noon-8 597-9951 Dallas Hwy. 64 West ml. past 1 KING'S TREASURE the loop on left 561-0910 6100 S. Broadway Woodcreek Village MON.
-SAT. 10-5 Or. Donohue welcomes reader mail but regrets that, due to the tremendous volume received daily, he is unable to answer individual letters. Readers' questions are incorporate in his column whenever possible. News America Syndicate Doctor Says He Learned While Teachina Soviets Statement of Condition CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30, 1986 kl AMERICAN CZZNATIONAL BANK ASSETS 1986 unglued" for lack of American sports results and Western beer, his colleagues arranged to have two cases of Watney's Ale flown in, Gale said.
And when the doctors did not receive equipment sent from around the world, they went to the Sheremetyevo airport and used crowbars to open crates until they found what they wanted. Gale said he had told Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that the accident and the tremendous medical response it demanded "should put to rest any notion that we could respond effectively to a nuclear accident of a greater magnitude." But before returning to the United States, Gale said, he was allowed to see Chernobyl by helicopter. "The eerie part was this dramatic lack of things happening. This huge industrial complex was devoid of people," he said. The same was true of the nearby city of Pripyat.
"I thought: This is a tremendous lesson. I felt a sense of awe and a pressing need to try to memorize this. Supermarkets, schools, a stadium empty. This was something terribly important, like Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dachau and somehow I felt I had to transmit this message," he said. NEW YORK (AP) The American doctors who helped treat victims of the Chernobyl disaster eventually had their Soviets counterparts thinking like American businessmen that nothing is impossible, says Dr.
Robert Gale. While teaching the Soviets about "can-do" attitudes, the leader of the American team said he learned from having to struggle with the awesome challenge of treating the largest group ever exposed to a reactor accident. It was a "battlefield situation," in which doctors had to decide quickly who could be saved, said Gale. But Soviet and U.S. doctors worked well together, he said, and there was no language problem.
Gale told Life magazine in an interview for the August issue that when the Americans needed an electrical socket changed so it could accommodate a centrifuge, 10 Soviet technicians examined the outlet for a half-hour and pronounced the task impossible. "We 'Gotta have it. That's And I have to hand it to them. They rewired the room," Gale said. "In time, we got the Russians to think like American businessmen.
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