The Bristol Daily Courier from Bristol, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE FOUR THE DAILY COURIER WILL VOTE ON RECIPROCITY Senate Committee Will Decide Fate ot Pact Wednesday. BRANGE PRESS AGENTS Sent Literature to Warning Them That Reciprocity With Canada Would Injure Them. Washington, June The hearings before the senate finance commit tee on the Canadian reciprocity bill haa practically ended. The committee decided to vote on -the bill Wednesday. It had been planned to end the hearings, but additional witnesses will be heard Monday.

Whidden Graham, of the firm of Allen Graham, of New York, admitted to the committee that he was employed by the National Grange to oppose reciprocity. Work as to Legislation. Graham also admitted that neither he nor Allen was a lawyer, but that they assisted manufacturers and others In securing the enactment or defeat of legislation by preparing for them literature and pamphlets for circulation. am not a lobbyist," be insisted in answer to a query from Senator Stone. yet you receive commented Senator Williams, writing articles for securing the enactment or defeat of Graham launched into violent attack on the newspapers of the country, much of which later was stricken from the record.

Joseph Alien, of Allen Graham, told the committee that Leonard Bronson, of the National Lumber Man ufactutrera association, and Arthur C. Hastings, president of the America-! Paper and Pulp association, had fered to contribute to the light against reciprocity. It was at the instance of Senator Stone that Allen and Graham were summoned to tell what part they have taken in the propaganda of opposition to reciprocity. Promoters, Net Attorneys. Senator Stone declared that Allen and Graham were that they were not "practicing attorneys or thus controverting the declaration made to the committee recently by N.

P. Hull, master of the Michigan State Grange, that Allen Graham hail been acting as legal advisers for the National Grange. The firm was sending out for some of the officers of the National Grange litem ture warning farmers that the reciprocity agreement would Injure them and asking them to contribute to the cause. Manufacturers also were asked for financial aid. N.

J. Bachelder, president of the National Grange, made a statement declaring that Allen Graham had "acted only under the direction of the legislative and executive committees of the National not many members of the inquired Senator Stone, children and others who tire not farmers the Statistics. Mr. Bachelder said he did not have statistics to show. not the membership of the National Grange in Indiana, for queried Mr.

Stone, 15,000 ten years ago and has it not decreased to about 1000?" think answered Mr, Bachelder. legal matters have you ever consulted Allen Graham about?" inquired Mr. Stone. do not recall that I ever consulted them on legal matters, but in promoting or opposing legislation which the National Grange was in favor of or against," said Mr. Bachelder.

considered them skillful in manipulating legislative bodies?" asked Mr. Stone. "In securing what we was the reply. you employed men generally known as asked Senator Stone, who are under the employ of other large interests?" "We did not ask them who else they were working for," said Mr. Bachelder.

GEORGE W. WICKERSHAM, Attorney General Who Will Prosecute Trust Meri. i AYS 20 MINERS Charges of Murder, Violence and Peonage Made to Congress. Washington, June Francis Fee- ban, president of the Pennsylvania union, bluntly charged before the house on rules (that murder, violence ami peonage had marked the progress of the strike In the Westmoreland coal fields of Pennsylvania. He asserted that twenty miners had been shot to death by deputy sheriffs and that foreign laborers had been held practically in slavery, The rules committee heard Feebao in connection with a resolution introduced by Representative Wilson, of Pennsylvania, directing an inquiry by congress into strike conditions in the Westmoreland fields.

After listening to the recital the committee decided that court action should be exhausted before congress should conduct an inquiry into the situation. MUST NOT SWEAR AT WORK RUSSFS SHOP Correct Dress For Men to the men of critical taste in Bristol and miles Un- WILL PLACE MORTGAGE OF $600,000,000 Great Northern Railway to fake Over the Burhntion. St. Paul, June L- Official announcement was made from the gen eral offices of the Great Northern railway of the issue of $600,1100,000 in bonds, covering one ot the biggest financial deals that has ever been made in the west. The biggest proportion of the is-ue will take care of old bonds which have been Issued by the company from year to year to cover extensions and i improvements, but the other big slice I provides for the taking over of the Burlington railroad.

The issue of bonds means the tak ing up of $330,000,000 of gold bonds ol the Great Northern, including in the bonds of the Burlington, for which the Great Northern is re sponsible. It is believed also that the Issue means that the Great Northern is to take over the Burlington, divorcing the Northern Pacific from that road. It is thought this merger will he upheld In the courts, on the strength i of the clause of the supreme court decision in the Stand a rd Oil case. The fate of the Northern Pacific, if it is divorced from the other Hill lines, I is certain. It may be taken over by the Northwestern or it may absorb the Great Western, a Morgan road, as is the Northern Pacific.

Court Enjoins Men From Making necessary Noise. Trenton, N. June 1. Vice Chancellor Walker issued an injunction in the case of Henry I). Phillips and others against the Pennsylvania railroad and others restraining the defendants from making any unnecessary noise in unloading boats at the foot of Jarvis place.

Cursing and swearing and other noises from the workmen must cease, and the men may no longer eat their meals on the street near the tow path of the canal, nor can horses be fed there. The complainant, Phillips, owns several houses in the immediate vicinity and renters have been dissatisfied with the swearing and other noises incident to unloading boats. ull quality, well known around, is exemplified in every HAT OR ARTICLE OF HABERDASHERY in our store to-day. We want you to know our stock thoroughly We are A ttt WA. you w.ll no, "nd we UNDERWEAR Buy your underwear now stork is complete, every stvlf every weight in a great variety 25 lo the piece our and HOSIERY Most every shade is ready.

A good stocking as low' as prices up to 50 If you want silk hosiery you can get it here. NECKWEAR Something new this season silk ties. They are indeed servic- able, just like new after washing. Only scarfs up to OUTING OR DRESS SHIRTS Negligee shirts, made of printed or woven madras. 5 Good value shirt at 65c, THE RUSSI HAT STORE collar to match goods, only a few dozen in the lot.

Vou will find the 11 st received a new lot of 1 Styles that the country produces. It is a complete hat store in itself anamas: several styles to pick from. ivr MU iruin, 'I'm we have a good stock of working shirts, gloves, overalls, all well-made and low 50c to LOUIS RUSSI. 242 MILL STREET BRISTOL, PA. MADERO ATTENDS BANQUET IN EL PASO Ministers In Contempt.

Cincinnati, June Judge Dickson threatened to punish for contempt the Methodist ministers who eonaured him for quashing the George B. Cox indictments. Will Leave For Mexico Tomorrow. Cily HARLAN IS 78 El Paso, June I. Madero was the guest of honor at a banquet given him by El Pasoans In the To 1 tec club.

The leader of the Mexican revolutionists will present the city with one of the cannon used by his forces in capturing Juarez. On Frida morning Madero will leave for Mexico City by way of Eagle Pass. He announced the personnel of his party. The civil officers who will accompany their former president are Senor Sanchez Azeona, Alberto Puentes, collector of customs at Juarez, and special secretaries Eusebio Calzado, Luis Aguirre Benevides, Klims de Rios, C. M.

de la Fuente, Arturo Lazo de la Vega and Octavio Masquiz. The military officers will be General Guiseppe Garibaldi, Dr. Ignaci Fernandez de Lara, Lieuteant Colonels Eduardo Hay and Raoul Madero, Major Roque Gonzales Garcia and Captains Rafael Amuilar, Ruben Morales a Routes p. Representing bodyguards Pa PROPOSALS. WATER WORKS Borough of Bristol, Bucks Countv, Pennsylvania.

Sealed proposals addressed to the Borough Council of the Borough of Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, will be received until 12 noon June 7, 1911, for furnishing materials and constructing a complete system of water works and filtration plant, comprising the following; Bulkhead and intake. Pump well. Pumping station. Mechanical gravity filter plant, capacity, 2,000,000 gallons. Pumping machinery and boilers.

Water tower, capacity, 150,000 gallons. About 10 miles of four-inch to fourteen inch cast-iron pipes. Fire hydrants, stop valves, special castings, etc. Pipe Laying. Bids will be received for the entire work or any portion thereof.

Plans may be seen and specifications arid blank form of proposals procured by applying to the office of the Borough Surveyor, No, 209 Radcliffe street, Borough of Millinery Everything Reduced Trimmed Untrimmed MISS J. SCHAFFER Bath Street BRISTOL, PA. Something Just as Good never offered at this store. We have 'V wajr ofdnuw. toilet rubber and if haven I pot what you want we will gel it In double tlm" Me aim to be up-to-date in keep nothinp but the bent in any line tlfat Drug Store, 559 Bath Street Gaptain Maximo Castillo and Lieutenants Terrazas and Portillo will make the trip.

Associate Justice of Supreme Court In 34th Year of Service. Washington. June 1. Associate Justice John Marshall Harlan, of the su-f preme court of the United States, ebrated his seventy-eighth birthday anniversary today. Justice health Is excellent and he said that he had been sick only twice in bis life.

On Dec. next i he will have been on the bench thirty- I four years. If he remains until June i 10, 1912, he will have served longer than any justice since the organization ol the court. MORMON CONVERTS PENNA. R.

R. STRIKE Over 400 Shopmen Quit Work at Altoona. Altoona, June 400 men laid down their tools and quit work in the Altoona and Juniata shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad company. The committee in charge ol the affairs of the union shopmen met in executive session. It followed a meet- i ing of the committee and union men.

I numbering about 500, when it was de- tided to strike in the event that rfu- perintendent Craighton refused to ac cept or accede to the resolutions sent to him on Monday. A certified cheek for $500 must accompany each bid. The Borough Council of the Borough of Bristol reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid for the whole or any portion of the work. LOUIS SPRING, GUSTAV A. RATHKE, DR.


GRUNDY, Chairman Committee. Jay M. Whitham, Engineer. Candles Wrapped Caramels, lb. Asst.

Chocolates, lb. Asst. Cream lb. Chocolate Straws, lb. Phila.

Peanut, Week-End Choco Elite Choolates, lb, lb, lb. Every Business Has its Bargain Days. This is a Bargain week in BUILDING LOTS in or new section. You want to get in on the beginning. Ask those who have bought and find out why you should do likewise.

From $6.00 per foot, up. Any size lot you desire. SEWERAGE AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL EDWARDS, 224 MILL STREET C. A. Wilson, 210 Radcliffe Bristol BRISTOL, PA.

Land Balloonist Falls 1000 Feet. Marion, June l. HU parachute failing to work properly, Frank Crawford a balloonist, fell 1000 feet into a tree top and then to the ground. Hundreds of persons who bad bled to witness the ascension ood aghast when Crawford fell He probably was fatally injured One Hundred Grom Great Britain at Montreal. Montreal, June J.

the passengers of the Dominion liner Southwark, which arrived from Liverpool, was a party of 100 Mormon converts, bound for Sait Lake City. of the party were women. A few were married and brought children. since the opening of the season 230 Mormon converts from the British Isles have passed through Montreal. Sucked Under Train.

Troy, N. June 1. Henry Worthington, fifty years old, a resident of Hoosick Falls, while sitting on ilie platform in front of the depot at that place was drawn beneath the wheels of a moving freight train and ground to pieces. Bucks County Walks In Sleep to Death. Pittsburg, June in his sleep out of a third story window, Richard B.

Mcllvaine, aged twenty- seven years, an attorney, fell and received injuries which caused his death in a short time. The accident occurred at the home of his father, Rev. Dr. J. H.

Mcllvaine, rector of Calvary Episcopal church. Woman Leaps to Death. Boston, June I. During a period of temporary insanity Mrs. Margaret Jackson, wife of John F.

Jackson, a Milwaukee business man, leaped from the window of their room on fourth floor of the Parker house was instantly killed. Wins Chicken Picking Contest. Chester, June L- In a chicken picking contest along Commission row Henry Coppe won by picking loo chickens in 110 minutes. Ewing, his competitor, picked 75, the Twenty-six Indicted For Census Fraud Tacoma, June L- Twentysix indictments were returned by a federal grand jury in connection with the federal census frauds. Certain enumerators in Tacoma padded the returns.

No names were given out. Goodwin Los Angeles, June 1. Nat Goodwin is about to sue to annul the trust under which half the income of $1,750,000 is paid to his ex-wife, Edna Goodrich. Smallpox Epidemic Spreads. Harrisburg, June additional state policemen were ordered to go from PottsvlHe to assist in the smallpox quarantine maintained about towns near Waynesboro.

Fifteen new cases were reported. WEATHER EVERYWHERE. Observations of United States weather bureaus taken at 8 p. m. yesterday follow; I Temp.

Weather. Albany Rain. Atlantic 64 Cloudy. Boston 62 Cloudy. Buffalo 60 Cloudy.

58 Clear. New Orleans. 86 Cloud v. New York 62 Rain. 68 Rain.

St. Louis 80 Clear. 70 Rain. Weather Forecast. Probably fair today and tomorrow; westerly winds.

Borough of Bristol, Pennsylvania. healed proposals addressed to the Boiough Council of the Borough of Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, marked "Proposals for SEWERAGE will be received until 12 noon, June 7, lOl for nishing materials and constructing a I complete system ot sewerage and dis- i peosal plant, comprising thfe ollow- ing: ike system consists of mately ten (10) miles of sewers; 8 inches to 20 inches in diameter. Pump house. I Engines. Pumps.

Pump well and disposal works. Bids ill be received for the entire work or any portion thereof. I laris may be seen and specifications and blank forms of proposal piocured by applying to the office of the Borough Surveyor, No. 209 Radcliffe street, Borough of County, Penna. A certified check for $500, payable to the order of the Borough Clerk of Bristol, must accompany each bid.

The Borough Council of the Borough of Bristol reserves the right to ieject any or all bids or to accept any bid tor the whole or any portion of the work. LOUIS SPRING, GUSTAV A. RATHKE, DR. A. S.


Bordman, Engineer. 426 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. Courier Want Ads bring results. HOUSE MOVER Brick and Frame Buildings Carefully Moved Estimates Furnished BENJAMIN R-H-1 F. ROGERS, ALLENTOWN.

ARTESIAN ICE AND ICE CREAM BOTH 100 PER CENT. PURE Our Ice is made from the Best and Purest Water in the World by the Most Improved Sanitary Apparatus. I he Water is from Deep Driven Wells, is Double Distilled and titered 1 hrough Charcoal and then Frozen in Sterilized Cans. And Our PRICE IS LOWEST. Drop Us a ostal or Phone our Order.

30c. Per Cwt. Delivered 50 lbs. 15c. 33 lbs.

10c. and a big, big piece am 3c. Arlesian Ice Dairy Products Co, Phone 258-D.

The Bristol Daily Courier from Bristol, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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