Lunar Tears - imadumdumjewel - Teen Titans Go! [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Axis Chemicals Factory.

Oooh, now that’s different and atypical.

The Joker: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Gentlemen! I have come up with a MASTERFUL plan to pillage the whole city’s valuables! No, I mean all of the STATES!!!

Henchman #1: But we can’t go everywhere at once.

The Joker: -pulls a lever- No.

Henchman #1: -falls down a trap door- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

The Joker: Anyone ELSE want to criticize my plans?!

All the remaining henchmen shake their heads in unison, not wanting to commit insubordination.

The Joker: Very good. I have the plan all drawn out on this very packet I’ve compiled! -pulls up a stand with his plans laid out- Step one! Send out the hypnosis waves! -turns the page- Step two! Manipulate every hypnotized citizen! -turns the page to something that he DIDN’T draw- Step three! I SIT ON THE TOILET!!!

All the remaining henchmen laugh their buttcheeks off at the unexpected “step three”!

The Joker: What? What’s so funny? -he turns and sees the crude drawing of him sitting on the toilet- HEY!!! I DIDN’T DRAW THAT!!!

Robin: -in the back- Good work, Beast Boy and…unexpectedly, Peridot.

Beast Boy: I told ya! Two childish minds make an adult one!

Raven: -mutters- I don’t think that’s how it works.

Peridot: Gem fusion-desu!

Luea: Gem fusion? I thought that was an exclusive jargon used by the Gen Alien Race. Us Jewelpets can’t perform such fusions, as we’re organic beings, not artificial aliens.

Robin: Cyborg. Got the explosives ready?

Cyborg: All wired up!

Luea: I question the ethics and morality of this. Wouldn’t they die from this blast?

Robin: -indifferently shrugs- Eh. The Joker will come back next episode. Hit it, Cy!

Cyborg: I already hit it. We only have ten seconds left.


Thanks to Raven’s portal, they all frantically and BARELY escape without a scratch! As for the factory? Well, this’ll be as fun as watching a building get demolished!

Starfire: Whoaaaa! The spectacular pyrotechnics!

Cyborg: Originally it was gonna be in 60 seconds, but we almost died in ten seconds.

Luea: -frustrated sigh- Next time, give us a warning! I could’ve been rabbit stew back there!

Cyborg: Sorry!

Peridot suddenly gets a message on her Jewel Pod!

Peridot: -she takes a peek at her Jewel Pod… and then gives a big smile- Luna-nechan is being discharged-desu!

Beast Boy: Oh, really? That’s super awesome, yo!

Raven: A discharge from hospital? Right after we actually thought we were gonna die for the rest of this episode? Wow, talk about it timely.

Diana: Frankly, I’m glad Peridot will be going back to live with Luna. I cannot stand that high energy of her’s.

Peridot: -ignores Diana- Super genki-desu!!!

Diana: -facepaw- That proves my point…

Robin: NOICE! No more vagrants!

Diana: Actually, I’m still staying here.

Robin: Okay, one-less vagrant!

Luea: Luna’s getting discharged? Great. This means she can run the restaurant again. Good thing it was rebuilt during the time she was in hospital.

Beast Boy: AW MAN, LUEA! Why does you have to reminds us how EXCRUCIATINGATING it was to rebuild the WHOLE restaurant from in to out?!

Cyborg: You gotta get mechanical limbs, bro! Then you’ll NEVER get tired! … Until you start falling apart.

Robin: And I was the one getting dislodged SHOULDERS!!!

Raven: I’d rather dip my head in lava than go through that painful process again.

Starfire: When I’m feeling the down, I always get the kitties! -grabs Diana-


Beast Boy: Then what is we waiting for? Let’s grab Luna out of the slumps!

Peridot: YAAAY!!!

The following day…

The moon is enjoying itself in the sky-

Sun: -offscreen- HEY! GET OUT OF HERE!!! It’s my time to bring in the MORNING!!

The moon quickly runs away and the sun takes over.

We find our heroes waiting outside the hospital, with Peridot and Beast Boy in front.

Luea: -yawns sleepily- I didn’t get enough sleep…

Raven: What do you mean? I thought you went to bed at the same time as everyone else.

Luea: No… My night jobs again…

Raven: -shrugs, not caring much- Okay, whatever.

Beast Boy: Ok Peri! Let’s BANG THE DOOR TO SHREDS!!

Peridot: Yay! -gets on Beast Boy’s shoulders-

Beast Boy: -transforms into a rhinoceros, with Peridot riding on his back- YAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! DOOR RAMBUTTING!!! -charges and bursts through the entrance doors-

Cyborg: That’s my bro, for ya!

Luea: How are we not arrested for vandalism yet?!

The apartment flat’s door is toppled and dislodged, but…inside the living room, lots of junk, perished food and unwashed clothes are just scattered and littered on the dingy floor that’s not cleaned for DAYS. And no sight of Luna either.

Beast Boy: -reverts to human form- Yo, Luna! It’s me, your best customer! Where you at?!

Peridot: What’s with all the kuzu [litter]-desu? I thought Luna-nechan keeps everything organized and clean-desu.

Beast Boy: Seriously? Everybody tells me to clean up, but I don’t do it.

Peridot: Luna won’t give me treats if I don't clean up-desu.

Diana: That’s a surprisingly rapid improvement in Peridot’s English oral language. Finally we can understand the context of Luna’s relationship with her.

Luea: Luna was always the big sister figure. Peridot on the other hand is considered the “baby sister”.

Raven: Oh, so like, another surrogate family.

Luea: Yeah.

Raven: But what about that third one-

Luna: -offscreen- Don’t… Mention that name… Ever again…

Raven: -looks up, befuddled- What?

Luna gradually appears from the kitchen, like a zombie. Her ribbon is crooked and she’s not wearing her moon necklace. And she doesn’t have her glasses either.

Everybody: AAAH! ZOMBIE!!! -all begin catatonically wringing unidentifiable objects and items in a flurry at Luna-

Luna: -gets hit by multiple objects at once- WOAH! OW! NGH!!! STOP IT!!! I’M NOT A ZOMBIE!!! STOP! ACK!!!

Beast Boy: BEGONE, ZOMBIE!!! -brings out a battle axe out of nowhere-


Luna: -quickly jumps out of the compiled things- MOONSTONE! JEWEL FLASH!!!

The battle axe suddenly flips upside down and bonks Beast Boy on the head a couple of times!



Luna: If I was a zombie, I wouldn’t be here right now!

Awkward silence.

Beast Boy: -finally puts the battle axe aside- Um… Wassup, Luna!

Luna: Yeah, it’s me… I come out of hospital, and this is the treatment I get?

Luea: Well, to be fair, we didn’t expect this whole flat to be this… hazardous…

Luna: -glumly, seemingly hiding something about all of the junk- Most of it is junk that I want out of my life… I just don’t have time to dispose of all of it…

Diana: Curiously, you don’t seem to be someone to hoard junk, unlike…AHEM. Beast Boy. -murmurs- I checked his bedroom once. It’s not a room. It’s a landfill.

Robin: You get used to it.

Luna: -looks away, tiredly- Doctor told me not to strain myself… So that’s why I didn’t clean up… But now that Peridot is back, she can help.

Peridot: -picks up a frilly mint green dress- … This looks like… Milky-nechan’s dress-

Luna: -suddenly swipes the dress out of Peridot’s paws- NO. DON’T YOU SAY IT, PERIDOT. NO.

Starfire: But that is the pretty mint green! I can wear it for a prom!

Diana: It’s Jewelpet-sized, you degenerate!

Starfire: I can make it the bigger!

Raven: OH NO. You’re making me your personal tailor?! NO!!! Don’t you even think about it, Star! And also, you still owe me money!

Starfire: Ah ok! I can sell the dress and do the paying you of the back!

Raven: … Fair enough. I just don’t think you can make a lot from a dress that dirty, though.

Peridot: A little cleaning can help-desu-

Luna: Don’t even bother, Peridot…

Peridot: -persistently- WHY NOT-DESU?! You don’t want it, others want it! -swipes the mint green dress out of Luna’s reach, with a tight clutch-

Luna: -sternly- No! You give it here. I’m not going to ask you again, Peridot.

Cyborg: -notices and picks up a stray teal mug with a green rhombus printed logo- Oh, this mug can be reused! I like teal!


Cyborg: -clenches onto the mug- Woah, chill! I was just looking at it! We’re just preserving these reusable stuff!

Luna: -neurotically looks over and notices Robin and Luea perusing through a bunch of books about embroidery- What are you two doing?!

Robin: What? I do want to learn something for crossdressing, in case I get compelled to wear a feminine disguise.

Luea: What are you so defensive about? Milky always loved embroidery-


Raven: You said they’re junk. But most of them are INTACT!!

Cyborg: They’re reusable! I mean, this mug just needs a little cleaning and it’s good!

Raven: -gets an empty jam jar- I’m keeping this exquisite jar and gonna plan to make it more gothic so that I can store ingredients that are creepy crawlers.

Luna: -growing restless- Stop… stop… STOP!!!

Everybody finally stops and turns their full attention to the restless Netherland dwarf rabbit. However, they mostly don’t want to let go of the so-called “junk” and just decide to store the stuff they’ve gotten inside their convenient spots.

Luna: They’re junk, but… I can’t throw them away just yet!

Luea: It’s a major fire hazard to keep all these items out like this. There’s a reason why storage exists, you know.

Robin: Sooo, we’re taking all of them off your paws. We’re doing you a favor.

Luna: -turns away- At this rate, you’re just stealing.

Cyborg: We’re stealing out of necessity.

Luna: That makes it worse.

Raven: Alright, we can do this the fun way… HEY LOOK, A FIRE!!! -points at a random direction-

Luna: -looks in the direction Raven is pointing- HUH?!

Raven: AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!! -summons a portal just to siphon all these unused scattered items into it and transport all of them to the T Tower!-

Luna: I don’t see any fire- -sees all the junk is gone- WHAT?!

Beast Boy: There we go! The flat is clean!

Camera pans out to showcase the flat being more spotless without all the junk!…minus the accumulated dust, grout and mold.

Robin: Titans! It’s time to do a yard sale, while also keeping some of those for ourselves! I have that embroidery book for making convincing female disguises!

Raven: And I got a jam jar. Nice.

Cyborg: And I get to keep this mug!

Starfire: And the dress!

Luea: -gingerly- …Guiltily, I did touch the book Robin mentioned and is still keeping.

Luna: -falls to her knees, devastated- Those were… precious memories…

Starfire: The precious memories? But the items were the scattered on the floor!

Cyborg: That’s not cherishing memories! You’re just discarding them as if they were USELESS!!

Diana: -surveys the ground and picks up a stray brooch left out from the heist- Oh look, a brooch! This’ll look beautiful on me!

Luna: You… you thieves… -she breaks down into tears-

Beast Boy: Yo, uh… should we return them to her?

Peridot: Hmm, iieh [No].

Everybody else: -agree with Peridot- Nope.

Robin: Anyway, we’ll be going now. Thanks for the stuff!

Beast Boy: Wait, guys! … -he sighs and kneels down to Peridot- Well, Peri. It was fun having you around in the T Tower. -holds the papillon’s paws- Farewell for now, I suppose…

Peridot: Daijobu! We’ll see each other again tomorrow at Moonstone Sushi Bar/Restaurant-desu!

Beast Boy: Heck yeah! I is gonna see you at lunch, yo!

Peridot: Bye bye!

Beast Boy follows the others out of the apartment, leaving Peridot to stay with Luna.

Luna: …Peridot…

Peridot: Yes, Luna?

Luna: -she solemnly stands up and takes a few deep breaths- Welcome home…

Now at the abandoned factory. Where Milky is at the training quarters to boot-camp-train all those newly recruited cultists.

Milky: -militantly commandeering- ONE TWO ONE TWO ONE TWO THREE!!! Come on! Put your backs into it! A perfect world needs STRONG believers! If you have strong beliefs, then PUT MORE EFFORT INTO IT!!!


Milky: -mutters- I’m surprised he’s still going, despite the groaning I’ve been hearing. -speaks up- THE LONGER YOU GO, THE STRONGER YOU BECOME!!!

Carl: YES MA’AM!!!

Suddenly, one cultist flops over out of exhaustion.

Cultist Trainee: -panting wearily- I can’t go anymore… I’m finished…

Milky: -walks up, condescendingly- What’s wrong? Is it too much for you? Do you not believe in Lady Topaz’s perfect world?

Cultist Trainee: I do…it’s just…I’m famished…a quick biscuit please?

Milky: Oh, you can have a biscuit… AFTER ONE MORE HOUR OF PUSH-UPS! HOP TO IT!

Cultist Trainee: -wipes off some sweat from their forehead and gets back to doing push-ups- One… Two… Three… -this continues-

Milky: -takes a deep breath- Keep going until an hour has passed. -walks away-

Cultist Captain: Lady Milky, Madame Topaz wants to see you. I’ll take over from here.

Milky: Very good, Captain. Make sure to keep them in shape. -heads out of the training quarters and takes an elevator up to the main floor-

Throughout Milky’s elevator ride, it is shown panoramically that the interior of the abandoned factory is getting developed at a fast rate. New technology is being installed to monitor cultists’ movement within the hallways and catwalks. The dingy old fluorescent lights are being replaced with beautiful chandeliers for Topaz’s jewelry aesthetic.

Soon enough, Milky cautiously enters the grandiose throne room. Yes it has a legitimate throne, don’t question us.

Milky: -skittishly- M’lady. I would like to inquire why you're summoning me…?

Topaz: -lounging on the throne smugly- I just want to say that I’m very proud of your progress lately.

Milky: Re-really? But I didn’t get to kill…the experimental papillon…

Topaz: Except, you gave me handy information about Beast Forms. I was able to use some of that knowledge when manipulating Sango the other day.

Milky: You…encountered Sango?

Topaz: I thought you already knew. Granted, the attempt still failed. The problem we have with Beast Forms is that we have no control over them. They will attack anything and anyone in their sights.

Milky: I would know… Peridot nearly mauled me to death…

Topaz: -slyly- Unless…We send someone to infiltrate and learn more about the stranded fellow Jewelpets in this wretched city.

Milky: Like, a spy?

Topaz: Well, I already have one of those. But I want you to go back out there.

Milky: Out there? -she starts getting a sinking feeling about meeting Luna again- I’m not sure… I’m probably public enemy number one, for all I know…

Topaz: Not everybody knows you’re a general, anyway. All those citizens all share the same brain cell! You’ll be fine!

Milky: Yes m’lady…

The following morning…at Luna’s apartment. The bedroom.

Peridot: -dreaming of running in a field with Beast Boy, sleeptalking- I’m an idle beast, free and boundless in the wild-desu…with Beast Boy, both of us nude-desu…

Luna: -her shadow is seen looming over the papillon’s bed and suddenly pulls the blanket away- Get up!

Peridot: -startled awake from the sudden blast of cold air- AAAAAH!!! It’s cold-desu!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW SAMUI I NOW FEEL-DESU?!

Luna: -stringently- Stop fooling around and get up. We have to prepare the restaurant for work!

Peridot: -half awake, still wanting to sleep- Eh? -checks the time on her Jewel Pod- Demo, it’s only five fifty-something AM-desu. We don’t open until ten-desu…

Luna: NO. You’re not being as indolent as YOU-KNOW-WHO. Plus, from this day forward, Moonstone Sushi is only run by just two of us! We HAVE to fill every role as best we can! Therefore, we must get up and go early!

Peridot: Aawww. But can’t watashi sleep a little longer-desu?

Luna: Peridot, I am NOT playing around today. We have lots to do! And it would make me a lot happier if you just cooperate with me! Please… For me…

Peridot: -pressured- Uuuh… Okay…

Luna: Go wash up in the bathroom and quickly eat your breakfast. -walks out- I better see you in your uniform before we go.

Peridot can feel her own shoulders tensed up like her muscles are being grasped by a stalker while she’s obliging Luna’s orders.

That afternoon, the Titans team arrive to take a quick bite at Moonstone Sushi Bar/Restaurant, mainly due to Beast Boy being insistent.

Raven: You want us to come here, because you just can’t be without your “dog girlfriend”. Is that right?

Beast Boy: What? Heck no, mama! I’s still got’s the time for you!

But just as all of them push the door open, it’s not the bustling shouts and chatters of the customers that catch their attention. Instead, it’s the rather grouchy Luna that’s ruining the atmosphere.

Beast Boy: Yikessss. Luna looks menacing. You think we’ve been too loud that we ruined her mood?

Cyborg: More like she’s probably still pissed at us for quote on quote “stealing” her prized junk.

Luea: Maybe let’s apologize to her, then she’ll be mollified.

Peridot: -greets the team, looking very groggy- Idashaimasen-desu… -yawns-

Beast Boy: Whoa Peri, you are down in the slumps today. Is this owing to Luna, or something else?

Peridot: Hai-desu… -yawns again- Didn’t sleep much, because Luna-nechan woke me up early.

Luea: Oh dear. You need a coffee.

Luna: -suddenly hostile- NO. COFFEE!

Peridot: -scared awake- EEEEEHHH!!!

Beast Boy: -taken aback by the sudden outburst- Yikes!

Luna: Peridot, stop slacking around and get these customers a table!

Peridot: -panicky- H-haiii!!! -points to a random table-

The gang nervously seat themselves at the random table.

Raven: Jeez. What’s with the outburst of the mention of coffee? We all need our energy in the morning.

Luna: Well, that’s Peridot’s fault for sleeping late.

The startled papillon hands everyone a menu to browse through.

Peridot: Take your time-desu…-glumly and tiredly walks off after putting down the menu-

Beast Boy: Why all of a sudden Luna becomes this hostile, yo? It’s just basic needs.

Luea: I do remember something… -whispers to Beast Boy- Milky loves brewing powdered milk coffee back in Jewel Land. They were invigorating.

Diana: Now that I remember. Luna used to sip a cup of those to energise herself before making sushi or doing other whatsoever activities. Even Peridot LOVED it!

Starfire: Does that relate to the absence of the bags of the coffee products in the house of the hers? Or are they amongst the heaps of the so-called junk of the hers?

Luea: Well… Remember our last encounter with Milky?

Cyborg: Yeahhhhhhh she was cheering for Peridot to go insane.

Beast Boy: Yeahhhhhhh she wanted Peri to kick the bucket. And that she framed me…that gives my spine chills!

Robin: That Milky animal’s brain is holed. Perfect cult nonsenses whatsoever. Such as how all humans patronize fairies, yada yada.

Luea: Indubitably, Luna must’ve been hurt by the tumultuous events that unfolded in front of her.

Robin: That bad?

Luea: Well… You see, Luna and Milky were very close back then.

As Luea has this conversation with the Titans, Peridot heads to take the trash out to the dumpster. There, she finds a very frustrated Luna.

Luna: -punches the wall, while tears well up in her eyes- Dammit! Why can’t I stop thinking about her?! WHY?!

Peridot: Luna-nechan, maybe you should be honest with us-desu.

The hot pink Netherland dwarf rabbit wipes her tears and turns to face Peridot, doing her best to hide her sorrow.

Luna: Peridot… There is nothing wrong with me. I’m just very… VERY… stressed from the fact that it’s only two of us working here… Now, you standing around is only going to delay things more.

Peridot: But your performance is scaring customers and also my tomodachi away-desu. They look nervous-desu. Because you seem to be mad at them-desu.


Startled, Peridot quickly tosses the trash bag into the dumpster and runs back inside.

Luna: -tearing up again, and leans against the wall- I… I didn’t mean that… I just… Milky…

Back inside the sushi restaurant/bar…

Luea: It’s no secret. Luna is the oldest of the three. And she’s keen on keeping her little family together. Yet all crumbled in front of her own eyes.

Raven: Wow. I dunno which is more traumatizing. My dad being an asshole, or Milky being led astray with punctured holes in her brain.

Starfire: Didn’t we discover that the Milky is part of the cult that we’ve had the encounterings with?

Luea sweats at the word “cult”, but stays focused on the subject at hand.

Luea: Even I was surprised… It seems this cult spreads to Jewelpets too.

Raven: How does this cult relate to Jewelpets though? Like, Jewelpets being fairies, what’s this correlation all about?

Luea: I, uh… -clears her throat- I wish I knew the answers to that. But truth to be told, fairies and us Jewelpets did get oppressed by many humans, particularly with an infamous massacre-

Peridot: -has returned- Are you done making choices-desu?

Beast Boy: We hasn’t…because Luna is very tense so the tension is contagious, yo.

Peridot: Daijobu. If you don’t want to order anything, sitting is fine-desu. Even watashi isn’t in the mood. Luna-nechan is indeed very hostile-desu. -she then changes gear- What’s this mass-i-care by the way-desu? Watashi hope it’s not related to Milky.

Luea: Yeahhh you wouldn’t want to learn to know it, Peridot. One assorted plate of sashimi please. Surprise us!

Beast Boy: And the usual salad please!

Peridot: Catch you-desu! -winks cheekily-

In the meantime, however, Luna’s mental health is deteriorating at an alarming rate. In fact, she doesn’t even have the spirit to resume working inside the restaurant. Her grip tightens. Her breaths are intermittent. It appears that she has too many surges of flashbacks at once.

Luna: -losing her composure even further- Mustn’t…remember…HER…

A brief smile of child Milky seems to flash before her subconscious eyes.

Milky [flashback]: Luna!

Luna: -jolts, panting and hard of breath- GET…GET OFF MY MIND!!! GET OFF FROM PERIDOT!!! -almost bumps herself into a nearby dumpster- GO AWAY, YOU TRAITOR!!! YOU REGENADE!!

Luna can feel that she’s hallucinating badly. It’s like Milky’s mirage is there to taunt her condescendingly even though she’s not.

Luna: -too dazed and confused, that she actually grabs the nearest abandoned baseball bat in the heap of trash- COME AND GET ME, BITCH!! I’m not AFRAID of ya!

But simultaneously, Milky is actually there, behind one of the walls of the oriented and aligned rows of buildings.

Milky: -mutters solemnly- I almost don’t need to do anything… She’s already losing it…

A few hours ago.

Topaz: -hands over a flashlight- Here. Use this to confuse Luna. Alex made it, even with your head’s shape precisely in mind.

Milky: Like the Batman Signal?

Topaz: -cruelly frivolous- Of course. Can’t let Batman hog the spotlight after all. Get my humor? So yeah! Flash it discreetly to make her hallucinate, maybe that’ll instigate and lure her inner beast~!

Back to the present.

Milky: The deed has to be done. You’re too imperfect to be in the world we’re recreating as angels. -projects the flashlight-

It then goes on to show that the flashlight has projected a vision of an exaggerated light-casted shadow of Milky’s head, depicted as a snarling and growling wolf, that is prowling with ferocity out to get her victims. Luna, who’s already in a hallucinogenic state, has already thought that it’s the actual Milky, and feels like she’s losing her shot even more.

Luna: MILKY WHAT THE HELL?! I know you’re gonna get this TOO FAR!! -starts uncontrollably swinging the bat which slams a brick wall nearby-

Which happens to be the back wall to the kitchen. Luna hits it so HARD, she blasts a hole through it. Peridot happens to be on the other side, making Beast Boy’s salad, when several loose bricks barely miss her!

Peridot: -horrified at the flying bricks- AAAAH! -ducks, as dust and plaster go everywhere, and all over the salad-

Luna: -suddenly blinks, snapping back to reality- … Peridot?

Peridot: You ruined the salad and almost hit me-desu!!!

Luna: … -drops the bat, surveying the damage she caused-...I…I…

Peridot: -suddenly relents- … Luna-nechan? Daijobu-desu?

The Titans hear the noise and quickly run to the kitchen to investigate.

Cyborg: Yo, what’s all the racket about?!

Raven: -notices the bat in Luna’s clenched paws- Whoa. What’s with the home run?! This isn’t a baseball match!

Robin: You think she’s trying to KILL us?!

Diana: -sarcastically- Wow, for a leader like you, Robin, you certainly jump into conspiracy theories quite hastily.

Beast Boy: But still. Luna, you don’t seems alright…Have you been seeing the supernatural, yo? Maybe close the shop early and have a breather.

Luea: Yeah, per Beast Boy’s suggestion, maybe you should close the shop early.

Luna: No…if I close the restaurant, we’ll run out of money! I’m trying to keep Peridot and I afloat!

Beast Boy: No ways you can be afloat with this shaky condition of yours. Look at your eyes! They’re drifting!

Luna: I’m not drifting!

Starfire: You look like you are in the NEED of the vacation!


All of the other customers inside the restaurant are frightened and backing off from their tables, upon overhearing Luna’s unhinged shout.

Robin: sh*t. Other people are really gonna leave your restaurant now.

Customer #1: -offscreen- No wonder I heard the kitchen’s hole being blasted!

Customer #2: -offscreen- Fairies and anthro animals are really unstable!

Peridot: -anguishedly- Luna-nechan…you were and still is kowai-desu!

Luna: Uh… P-Peridot! You wouldn’t say that about me!

Beast Boy: She would, if you’s keeps actin’ like this, yo! Maybe you should talk your feelings out!

Luna: I CANNOT!!! It’s a sign of…weakness!!! Jewelpets can’t be weak, or they’ll be oppressed!!!

Beast Boy: What’s this entire fairies and Jewelpets being oppressed deal about? If you don’t tells Peri, she won’t and can’t help you!

Milky offscreen flashes the flashlight again, prompting Luna to continue hallucinating.

Luna: I KNOW IT'S YOU!!! -swings the bat violently again, almost hitting the Titans-

The Titans and Peridot barely evade her swinging bat, all terribly startled. Especially poor Peridot.

Peridot: -wincing- Luna-nechan! Quit swinging at me and my new tomodachi! Anata being unsafe to watashi-desu!


Peridot: -fearfully, tail between her hind legs- Except anata are making a huge fuss right now! And anata wa scaring all of us!!! Watashi no butts are going to be detached- desu!!!

This is promptly when Luna realizes Peridot is going to burst into tears. And momentarily a surge of guilt overwhelms her. She can’t take it or face Peridot any longer.

Peridot: -almost crying- You’ve been self-trashing the whole time, and Watashi can’t bear to see you being this wrecked anymore-desu!!!

Promptly Luna runs off in total shame.

Peridot: LUNA!

Beast Boy: -he follows Luna out, only to stop by the dumpster- Hey! Where are ya going-

Luna: LEAVE ME ALONE!!! -disappears around the corner-

Beast Boy: Damn… She’s really messed up…

Peridot: Watashi has no apartment keys too-desu…

Beast Boy: You can stays with us then, Peri!

Robin: -exasperated- OH GREAT!!! She’s back to being a vagrant slacking off in our tower!!!

Luea: Robin, be a little bit more accepting. She really seems genuine that she has no apartment keys whatsoever.

Beast Boy and Peridot: -gleaming puppy eyes- YES PLEASEE?

Robin: My disappointment is immeasurable… And my day is ruined…

Cyborg: Not as ruined as that pink rabbit’s day, though.

Back to Milky, who’s survilliencing the city for the night, still handling the flashlight.

Milky: It feels wrong to mess with Luna’s mind, but…it’s for the cause.

But as the chihuahua flashes the light around randomly, she suddenly pauses and switches it off.

Milky: … What am I doing? Am I really doing this to her? Do I really want to hurt the one who’s looked out for me the most?

However, she remembers how the customers audibly inside the restaurant were terrified. Just as what Topaz wants to hear from any human. Aren’t humans supposed to finally be frightened of fairies after all those years of condescending on Jewelpets and other fairies?

Milky: Uuugh… -goes to the side and leans against a postbox to gather her thoughts- I mean… There’s no going back, now… I’m an established General… But why is it that I can’t stop thinking about her? …Why?

Brief flashback of Luna cradling her when she was a newborn puppy wrapped in blankets.

Milky: -knocks on her own head- Ugh! Stop it. That’s too mushy, like literally rotten tomatoes and overly buttered mashed potatoes! I have to focus… Otherwise, Lady Topaz will just have me on the same list as Luna and Peridot… -she turns the light back on and starts flashing around-

Luna, who is broken and aimlessly wandering around in the midnight streets, catches sight of the flashlight and descends into mad panic again. She really hasn’t let go of the bat, AT ALL.

Luna: I KNOW YOU ARE HERE!!! You made me not eligible for Peridot!!! -agitatedly swinging the bat, slamming nearby walls-

The more Luna frantically swings the bat, the more exuding dark aura is emitted and enveloping her.

Milky: -using binoculars- Whoa. So that’s what happened to Peridot as well, prior to fully undergoing entropy.

Luna: -rapidly panting- YOU!!! ARE!!! NOT!!! ELUDING!!! ME!!!

Milky: -puts the binoculars down- This is taking too long. The best way to do this… Is to approach her myself. -mutters- I’m probably going to regret this.

Milky proceeds to feign causality and whistles as she loiters into the area in the open. Of course, Luna is instantaneously provoked by her presence, temporarily pausing her own hallucination streak.

Luna: -hoatilely- … Milky…

Milky: Hello… Luna. How was the recovery at the hospital?

Luna: -aggressively drops the bat- Just why…

Milky: Why what?

Luna: -lashes out- Why did you betray me like this?!

Milky: -snidely snorts- Betray? You’re the one who is always muddled in the clouds. Fairies and humans can NEVER coexist harmoniously. Get over it and teach Peridot BETTER.

Luna: That’s because YOU never put your bigoted ideas aside for a few seconds to see a human’s good nature!

Milky: MASSACRE, LUNA! The massacre! Don’t you remember?! Humans slaughtering our brethren for our Jewel Eyes! You think you want to DIE in the rancid hands of those BIPED MONSTERS?!

Luna: Well, I haven’t died! And neither has Peridot! You’re being a fearmonger for NOTHING!!! OTHER THAN BEING A RACIST!! The massacre happened YEAR ago! Heck, on this planet, CENTURIES ago! Times have changed now in this world! And we should change with it if we want to survive here! Why can’t you see that?!

Milky: BUT I WANT FAIRY ENTITLEMENT!!! I don’t like myself for being soft spoken! I want to be emboldened like what fairies should and have to!!! Only the strong survive, Luna! AND THAT IS WHY WE MUST CULL ALL HUMANS TO PROVE THAT US FAIRIES ARE THE STRONGEST CRUSADERS AND THAT OTHER SPECIES LIKE MERMAIDS AND ALIENS AND ANTHRO ANIMALS AND ETC SHOULD ALL SUBMIT TO US!!!

Luna: -a dark blue aura emanates even stronger, as she’s in disbelief- What’s happened to you… The Milky I know would never say that… The REAL Milky I know would try and see things for the better, even if the situation felt bleak. And I would be there to support you!

Milky: -notices Luna’s emanating dark blue aura, but still proceeds with the provocation- Being like that has only made me look WEAKER! YOU WERE ACTING NO DIFFERENT THAN A PATRONIZING HUMAN!!

Luna: -tears stream down her face as the aura flares around her- No… YOU f*ckING LITTLE BITCH…!!!

Milky: Welp, Imma scram. -darts off into the distance-

As for Luna, who is overcome by unmeasurable anguish, her body transforms and enlarges. She becomes something you might see out of a Godzilla movie. Hey, why didn’t we just have a Godzilla crossover? That’d be cool.

Ok enough said. We have Beast Luna.

Beast Luna: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!! -her roar echoes so loud, it causes the buildings around her to shake, with some windows shattering-

Over at the T Tower…

Peridot: -staring out the window, overlooking the city- Luna…

Beast Boy: -just came out of the bathroom after a nice shower- Yo, Peri. Your turn.

Peridot doesn’t answer.

Peridot: -presses her face onto the window- How can I reassure Luna-desu…? She must’ve been hurt by Milky-desu…

Beast Boy: -walks up alongside and kneels down- You is worried for Luna, huh?

Peridot: Of course-desu! She’s always a caretaker for Milky and watashi! So I really hope to grow stronger to make her less worried-desu!

Beast Boy: Yeah, I can imagine. I’s would be worried if something happened to my bro, Cy. By the way, yo English is sounding better!

Peridot: Hontoni? [Really?] Then Luna would be proud of me-desu!

Beast Boy: Yup! You is blending in! Likes a orange being blended into orange juice in the blender! Maybe tomorrow, we’ll go show Luna how much you has improved-

Cue to Beast Luna offscreen roaring and terrorizing the city!

Peridot: Nani?!

Beast Boy: Yo, what the heck?! We is in the middle of a pep talk!

The Crime Alert promptly sounds off!

Robin: -comes out of the bathroom, half naked with nipples with just a towel wrapped around him… I guess he took Peridot’s turn- TITANS! We got a “Bunnyzilla” on the loose!

Diana: -just happens to be running out when she catches sight of Robin- OH, JEWELINA FORSAKE MY EYES!!!! -turns and runs the opposite direction-

Luea: -as Diana passes her- You know, you would be more presentable if you PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!

Robin: I was gonna! Shut up! -goes back into the bathroom to get dressed-


Peridot: Warui-desu!!! [Bad-desu!!!]

Moments later, because why not.

Raven: -portals everybody to the crime scene- I hate all of you. Just gonna put that out there.

Beast Boy: Blame Robin for misplacing his cape!

Robin: Well SOMEBODY took it!

Luea: Oh, I did that.

Robin: WHY?!

Luea: It was filthy! I had to put it in the washing machine of the laundry room.

Robin: Yeah, except you delayed us by twenty minutes!!! What part of “superheroes” do you not understand?!

Luea: I’m sorry, okay?! Let’s just figure out what we’re dealing with!

And…Beast Luna towers over them with her ginormous size already.

Cyborg: Oh sh*t. Is this the Wererabbit from one of the Wallace and Gromit movies?

Starfire: The bunny looks more like the Godzilla!

Raven: Godzilla isn’t pink…

Peridot: -instantly pales whiter than a freshly bleached paper- Oh this means…it’s Luna-desu…

Beast Luna: -roars in everyone’s faces- ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Raven’s cloak is blown off, Luea’s butterfly clip flies away and hits a random car’s rear window, and Cyborg loses his arms!

Raven: Oh snap…I feel exposed as a hooded person.

Luea: Aw man, that clip is priceless! They don’t make them anymore! -runs to retrieve her hairclip and struggles to yank it off the car’s rear window- WHY WILL YOU NOT COMPLY?!

Cyborg: Why do I have to lose my arms at the WORST possible moment?! Now I can’t use arm cannons!

Robin: Then put your arms back on!

Cyborg: Easier said than done, Rob!

Robin: Why? They’re YOUR arms!

Cyborg: Well, take a look at what MY arms are doing!

Cut to Cyborg’s detached arms wrestling each other!

Robin: Then stop them!!!

Cyborg: I can’t! I’m not in control here!

Robin: Okay, change of plans, Titans. ESCAPE!!!

Everybody starts legging it, with Cyborg’s arms crawling after them.

Luea: -finally retrieves and puts back on her hair clip when she notices everybody running away- Hey! Aren’t we supposed to fight?! I thought that’s what superheroes do- -gets yoinked by Raven- AAAAAAAAHHH!

Raven: -clutches onto Luea frantically- NOT LETTING MY SISTER DIE HERE!!

Beast Boy: -looks around and realizes- Yo… where’s Peri?

Welp, turns out someone isn’t following suit!

Beast Boy stops and turns around. He gets the horror of his life as he sees Peridot refusing to escape and instead confronting Beast Luna by herself!

Beast Boy: PERI! DON’T BE A FOOL!!! -he transforms into a cheetah and starts running back-

Cyborg: -as Starfire reattaches his arms- BRO, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!

Starfire: He is the retrieving Friend Peridot?!


Beast Luna: MILKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! -she swings one of her massive paws down towards the papillon-

Peridot: AAH!

Beast Boy: PERI!!! -tackles Peridot JUST in time-

Beast Luna misses and hits a building instead, causing tons of rubble to fall and block the street… Trapping Beast Boy and Peridot.

Meanwhile, Milky from not too far is spectating the unfurling chaos Beast Luna is causing.

Milky: -with her binoculars again- Such strength… Even more than what Peridot had…must’ve been accumulated grudge and hatred… -she becomes a little despondent-... On me… -shakes her head- No, I have to harden my heart on her.

As for the remaining Titans, they try to rummage through and destroy the concrete and rubble entrapping Peridot and Beast Boy, hoping that time isn’t running out before Beast Luna is going to resume attacking them.

Cyborg: -in a drilling excavator form- Come on, please be okay! -starts drilling through the rubble-

Starfire: -blasting starbolts- STARBOLTS STARBOLTS!!!

Raven: -using a magic hammer- Why do these bricks have to be so sturdy that even hammering won’t work?!

Diana: -reluctantly using her paws…touching the rubble only- Come on, why won’t you bricks budge?

Robin: You are useless! Alright, if paws won’t work, then THIS will work! -pulls out his Bo Staff and tries to hit Diana-

Diana: -looks up and frightened by the bo staff- AAAH!!! -she suddenly shines brightly- SELF PROTECTION!!!

Poof! Diana in her Jewel Charm state!

Robin: What the heck is this thing? -picks up the Jewel Charm- … Hm. Looks pretty. Makes for a good projectile!!!

Luea: WAIT! THAT’S A JEWEL CHARM!!! An alternate form!!

Robin: -violently tosses the Jewel Charm up- BATTER UP!!! -swings his Bo Staff like a baseball bat and hits Diana’s charm form, sending her flying at high speed-

Diana: -from within her Jewel Charm- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH-

Momentarily, Jewel Charm form Diana strikes a specific spot in the rubble and… causes it to crack and then collapse away.

Robin: HOME RUN! -does a victory dance, only for Raven and Cyborg to push him aside-

Raven: Alright, that’s enough of that! Where’s Beast Boy?!

Cyborg: -scans and detects life signals-... There!

Beast Boy: -has reverted to human form and clutching Peridot- … Peri… You okay?

Peridot: -imploringly- Save Luna-desu… Please…

Beast Luna: -approaches again- RWARRRRRRR!!!!!

Milky: Ooooh, nice. She’s channeling her rage on THEM, not me now. She’s gonna finally prove my point that it’s better to agree with killing humans.

This is when Peridot perks up her ears and overhears Milky’s voice.

Peridot: -angered by Milky’s voice- Watashi…should’ve predicted that-desu!

Beast Boy: Yo, Peri, what’s the matter of “predicted that”?

Peridot: -furiously points at Milky’s direction with much accusation- I KNEW IT WAS HER WHO MADE LUNA BROKEN-DESU!!!! I SHOULD’VE TRUSTED MY GUT-DESU!!!!

The entire team turns their attention to Milky, who has been hiding herself from behind a totaled vehicle.

Beast Boy: -infuriated at Milky and transforms into a hulking gorilla, prior to tossing a broken car in her direction- YOU WRETCHED MONSTER!!!!

Milky: -barely dodges and steps out- Well, I guess I couldn’t hide any longer.

Beast Boy: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO LUNA?! If you is a REAL dog, you'd go back to your family!

Milky: -scornfully- Being a "real dog" doesn't concern me. What truly matters is strength and empowerment.

Starfire: To think that dogs are touted as the loyalest amongst the animals…

Raven: More like said loyalty is a result of selective breeding.

Luea: So that’s it? You’re just going to throw away everything you had with Luna and Peridot?!

Milky: Those two only held me back and made me weaker! Living with them is like dragging a couple of boat anchors!

Peridot: -gasps- Luna-nechan always TOOK CARE of both of us-desu!

Milky: Except Luna has been smoldering ME from making me feel more empowered THAN humans! It’s essentially a drudgery to listen to her tirades of “humans are good for your social skills” and “Peridot has the right to meet humans” when it means stupefying YOU, Peridot! No wonder you are a cheeky experiment, because you are the “tool to make humans fake their own kindness” by your own IGNORANT MOTHER!

Beast Luna: -about to advance, only to pause from hearing those hurtful words- Rrgh? -though, she still knocks over some loose pillars from the fallen building-

Robin: AARGH- -gets crushed underneath- WHY AM I ALWAYS THE PUNCHING BAG?!

Cyborg: It’s for the sake of black comedy, Rob! -transforms into crane mode- Hang on, I gotcha.


While Robin screams in agony, the others continue confronting Milky.

Peridot: You leave my okasama [Mother-sama/Mother Highness] out of this-desu!

Milky: Oh, but Peridot. You seem to forget, your mother started a very awful trend that would plague Jewel Land for every queen we got since then. All these successors after you are OVERLY OPTIMISTIC, ASININE, and PURELY IGNORANT to how humans have been oppressing fairies, like us Jewelpets! And every newborn Jewelpet after you is no better! It’s because of YOU, Jewel Land’s reputation sank!

Peridot: That’s… That’s not true-desu… -as she thinks back to the better times when Milky played with her- Milky-nechan would never say that about watashi-desu… Besides, don’t anata want to have a more diverse world filled with overflowing kinds of species’ shiawase [happiness] at all-desu? It’s less lonely for us Jewelpets that way-desu.

Milky: Naive as always, Peridot. It’s no wonder you will never be included in the perfect world that the cult desires to create- -she suddenly sees a massive rock being thrown at her- AAH! -she roll-dodges, barely avoiding it-

Beast Boy: -still incredibly furious- Shut up… -reverts to human form-

Milky: Oh. As if YOU have anything clever to say, mutant child. -stands up-

Beast Boy: Quit the trash-talk. Peri ain’t no fool, yo. And I see no wrong with myself being a mutant! Mutant human or normal human, or any other fairies and Jewelpets, we is all cool in our own way!

Raven: Wow. That’s pretty inspirational, coming from an idiot.

Diana: -reverts back to her normal cat form tiredly- Hm. Perhaps I was wrong about him.

Beast Boy: Come on, Milky. I is childish, but I ain’t that ignorant. Us humans ain’t as one-dimensional as you has portrayed. Quit this trash-talkin’ and come back to Peri and Luna. They miss you, yo.

Milky once again hesitates by Beast Boy’s concrete argument… The memories of her good days with Luna and Peridot flood her mind…

Flashback montage…

Milky [young]: Lunaaaaaa!!! -running and crying-

Luna [young]: -tenderly patting Milky in her embrace- Oh dear, what’s the matter?

Milky [young]: A human snatched my pumpkin pie!!! Booohoooo!!!! I baked it for Peridot but they said humans’ pies are superior to us fairies, including Jewelpets!

Luna [young]: Oh dear… How about I go deal with them and get your pie back?

Milky [young]: B-but what if they don’t give it back?

Luna [young]: -gives a reassuring smile- Just leave it all to me. I can sort this out. Where did you last see this human?

Milky [young]: North…? At the plaza?

Luna [young]: Then fear not, Milky! I’ll retrieve the pie with both negotiation and force! -strutting towards the direction of the plaza-

And thus, it shows some images of the two finding the same human who took the pie, and Luna reasoning with them that it was for Peridot.

Brown skinned Human Boy: -skeptically- Ooook, so you said…you fairies are on par with us and your food ain’t poisoned or low quality.

Luna [young]: We don’t aim to poison you. And technically, our sweets are derived from those in Sweetsland. I’m sure you know, Sweetsland has some great baked goods.

Milky [young]: -hiding behind Luna- P-please? Can I have it back?

Luna [young]: How about this. We make another pie JUST for you.

Brown skinned Human Boy: Fair deal. Might as well prove that your foods aren’t contaminated. And… sorry for taking this. -hands the pie to Luna- It’s just… I was pressured by my older cousin claiming that there’s something off with the food here. Yes, I’m born here, but my family is rather untrusting of other species like you Jewelpets and other fairies for some reasons.

Milky [young]: -trembling behind Luna- I…I thought you were deliberately trying…to pillage our resources and commodities…You know, Topaz said-

Luna [young]: Milky, you’ve overthought again. Topaz is just being paranoid. Sure, she’s older than us by probably years and even centuries, but listen to what the boy just said, he was pressured. And look, we got your handmade pie back!

Milky [young]: … -smiles- Yeah! I guess Topaz is just making scary tales up!

Brown skinned Human Boy: -waves and leaves- See you later or next time, then! At the same location!

Peridot [young]: -enters the scene- Ayo, pie-desu! Amai kaori-desu! [Sweet scent-desu!]

Luna [young]: Yup! And we made a new human friend!

Peridot [young]: Sugoi-desu!!!!! Jikai wa karera ni aitai-desu! [I want to meet them next time-desu!]

End of Milky’s particular flashback.

Milky: -lowers her head-...

Peridot: Onegai… Watashi… really miss you a lot… I don’t want to see you fight with Luna-nechan anymore-desu!

Beast Luna: -has been sitting quiet this entire time, listening to the whole argument- … Mil…ky…

Beast Boy: Yo Milky, Luna understands. That’s why she’s not attacking now. Maybe you really should change your mind.

But at the nick of the moment, Milky hardens her heart once again.

Milky: You’re all stupid. You’re just trying to make me go back to a WEAK lifestyle! Well I’m NOT weak!!! I’M STRONG!!! STRONGER THAN ANY HUMAN OUT THERE!!! You’re just holding me back as always, Peridot! Maybe I should just remedy that! -takes aim at Peridot with both paws- BYE BYE FOREVER!!!!

“QUARTZ BEAM!!!” -fires directly at the papillon-

But then… the beam is deflected!

Milky: What?!

Peridot: -has erected a green butterfly barrier- Ngh… -lets the barrier shatter as soon as the beam is entirely deflected-

Luea: Woah. Peridot able to learn barrier magic? Nice!

Peridot: Anata…has really given up your kibou [hope]…how disappointingly saddening-desu.

Milky: Rrrgh, WHY WON’T YOU JUST GROW UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE?! -she dashes towards Peridot-

Peridot: Huh- -she gets kicked in the stomach- ARGH!

Beast Boy: PERI!!! -he transforms into a gorilla to try and fight, only for Milky to roundhouse kick him- RGH! -he lands in the rubble, nearest to Beast Luna-


Peridot: -now she’s forced to try and defend herself, but her moves are slow- NGH! RGH! Gah! What’s wrong with you, Milky?!

Milky: Do you feel it, Peridot?! -continuously punches and kicks- That feeling of hopelessness?! That’s how I’ve been feeling!!! THIS IS WHAT HUMANS HAVE MADE ME FEEL FOR YEARS!!!

Peridot: Granted, watashi is confused with this massacre! But at least give us context-desu! It’s your experience, NOT MINE-desu! And we are not entitled to experience the same pain-desu!

Milky: SHUT UP!!! -grabs Peridot, swings her around, and smashes her against a lamppost, bending it- I thought you knew me well, but you’re just too naive to notice anything! And to think, I called you my “baby sister”! How cute… yet, stupid at the same time!!! YOU REALLY WERE A BRAINLESS BABY BACK WHEN THAT TRANSPIRED, YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN LAUGHING UNAWARE OF THE BRETHREN THAT HAVE DIED WHEN YOU WERE OBLIVIOUS TO WHAT THOSE AUDACIOUS HIDEOUS HUMANS DID TO THEM FOR PROFITS!!!!

Milky continues delivering a beatdown on the already defenseless papillon.

Luea: Shoot, we have to help! -she tries to rush in-

Starfire: Friend Raven! You look after Friend Beast Boy! -she follows Luea-

Milky: Oh, an alien banding in with a fellow traitor Jewelpet just to vindicate that “OH YAY WE ARE NOT AS BAD AS HUMANS”?! f*ck OFF! -she turns around to engage them-

Starfire: YAAAH! -machine guns a barrage of starbolts-

Milky: I’m not like your typical cultist. -dodges and blocks each starbolt, before headbutting Starfire in the chest- RGH!!!

Starfire: GAHHHH!!!! -is bounced back a few miles-

Luea: -catches Starfire- Milky! It doesn’t have to be this way! We can still make amends with humans!


Luea: -gets a brief flashback of a certain hare- Don’t bring her into this! I don’t think she’ll ever condone you for killing people that are against you despite her boorish attitude!

Milky: You’re too much of a pacifist. As always! -she then fires another Quartz Beam at Luea-

Luea: NGH! GUYS! Take care of Starfire! -she pushes Starfire aside and erects a barrier to deflect it-

Beast Luna has been watching the whole ordeal. While Beast Boy lays near her, having reverted back to human form.

Beast Boy: Duuude… Who would’ve thought you Jewelpets could pack a punch… -he sits up, then notices Beast Luna’s eyes… have turned back to their normal blue color- Yo Luna, you alrighty?

Beast Luna: Fai…th…not…wrong…

Beast Boy: -trying to stand up- What faith, yo? Milky is a lost cause. She won’t heed a single lecture that is educational to her brain cells. I would know. I has no brain cells!

Beast Luna: Peridot…brain cells…more…properly…

Beast Boy: -dusts himself- … Look, yo. It ain’t your fault. Yeah, okay. There’s some bad humans out there. I mean, check out the bad guys we deal with every day. They is ALL bad! But it’s ok! We Titans are the goody-good-good humans! Granted, we screw up all the time and might’s have done bad audacities that piss other people off and unintentionally hurt others, but mostly? Nope nope. We has standards, regardless of being total human like Rob, half-robot like Cy, an alien like Star, a half-demon person like Mama Raven, and me a mutated human!

Beast Luna looks down at Beast Boy, who is smiling warmly at her. Despite how hopeless the situation is… He keeps on smiling casually. Treating Luna like a friend.

Beast Boy: Okay, I get ya. You’s a beast and can’t listens to me. And probably wants to maul the Beast Boy to death. But it’s okay to continue believing in your faith and move on from this dum-dum Milky for now! I mean, a good heart isn’t determined by what's species you is, you know. I would know. I transform into ALL kinds of beasts! That’s why I’m Beast Boy! YEAH! -poses, but falls over- WOAH! Ouchies, my butt.

Beast Luna: … I have been listening.

Beast Boy: Huh? -looks up, surprised- You still has brains?

Beast Luna: Yes…and you have reminded me to remember my rational brain. -she begins to shrink down in size- I have been pushing myself as the sister-caretaker too hard…and instead have been smothering Peridot unintentionally, and she was right when she called me out for being so uncharacteristically violent…

Beast Boy: Soooo, you tried too hard on…making wishful thoughts on…Milky coming back but also wanting to pretend that she doesn’t exist, so you tried dumping things related to her?

At this point, Luna is restored to normal with her fur all messy and her ribbon slightly torn.

Luna: -trying to hold back her tears- I just…want my family back… I never wanted this…All I have wanted is for Milky to be the same as before…

Beast Boy: -suddenly wraps his arms around the Netherland dwarf rabbit- Wanting things to restore to being the old sameness is a norm for all of us, yo. And it’s not a sin to be in denial too. But then, what about your loved ones like Peri? She isn’t wrong about hoping that you would move on. But! It’s okay for us that you is currently feeling this way, because you don’ts deserve to be trashed by Milky for thinking differently for the future.

Luna: -looks up- Beast Boy…

Beast Boy: Hey, quit the tears, yo. You can always has a new family. May not be the same, but it’s a family.

Luea: -offscreen- AAGH!!!

The two suddenly look over in the direction of Luea’s scream.

Luea: -now she’s down on the ground, badly hurt and battered- Nnngh… Ow…

Milky: To think, YOU were trained by Jasper the Royal Guard. AND hang out with a bunch of superheroes. Yet, you couldn’t defeat one opponent. You’re just too much of a pacifist. Jasper is as horrible as you, like Lady Topaz has described in one sentence.

Peridot: -offscreen- Yamete, Milky!!!

Milky: -turns around to see that Peridot has stood up again- Oh, so the naive puppy comes back for another beatdown. What a HUMAN-LIKE spirit you have. You might as well die like a puny wasteful human.

Peridot: I WILL make you come back to us, Milky! Whether you like it or not!!!

“RISING BUTTERFLY!!!” -she unleashes a flurry of holographic butterflies-

Milky: -is suddenly behind Peridot and whispers- You can’t try the same trick on me twice, baby sister~.

Peridot: -gasps- Uh…


Peridot is blasted at point-blank range!

Peridot: -gets bounced off- GAHHH IT HURTS A TON-DESUUUU!!!!

Milky: -walks up to the downed papillon- Too weak. This is what happens when you follow Luna around a lot. You end up becoming weak. -she aims to finish Peridot off-

Peridot: -tearing up- … LUNAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Her shout echoes into Luna’s ears…

Luna: … Peridot. Ngh! -she makes a split-second decision-

Beast Boy: What the- -Luna is gone from his grasp- Hey! Where did she-

“LUNAR SABER!!!” -there’s a loud CLANG as Milky is suddenly knocked back-

Milky: NGH!!! -notices some fur on her arms is missing- What the?!

Luna: -is now blocking the way, defending Peridot, and she’s holding a magical crescent sword- You have the right to be in denial. You have the right to leave the family. You have the right to feel pain from the past. -she points the sword at Milky- BUT! You do NOT have the right to harm MY family! -deftly brandishes her sword right at Milky’s torso-

While it doesn’t actually lethally kill, it still hurts magically when it strikes the chihuahua!

Milky: -is scathed by the swinging sword- AAAAH! -hits the ground and rolls back a bit, landing on her face- Uuugh…

Luna: -lowers her weapon- Hm…

Milky: -groggily looks up, with a last taunt- … What are you doing, then? I’m down on the ground now… Finish me off! If you don’t want to see me again, then just FINISH ME! At least I’ll die, knowing I died for the perfect world!

Luna: … I will not finish you off, Milky. -her weapon vanishes-

Milky: What…

Luna: -turns around, facing away from the chihuahua, and offers her paw to Peridot- A real perfect world isn’t a two-sided duel. It’s about the diverse coexistence of both the same and different species. If you die, then you won’t be able to witness that. That’s what I’ve been firmly believing in.

Milky: But-

Luna: -helps Peridot stand up, and turns back- Besides… You might’ve left the family. But… I still see you as family.

Milky: -those words gave her tears in her eyes-... Grgh!! -she suddenly teleports away-

Everybody else who is recovering is flabbergasted at Milky’s sudden teleportation. But Luea seems to have a chill down her spine with this phenomenon.

Luea: This is what happens to a high rank who is softened even for a brief second, or when they lose a fight…

But nobody paid attention to what she said. They’re all just glad this ordeal is over.

Beast Boy: -hops down and runs over to Luna and Peridot- That was so COOL, Luna! The way you pulled out a magically made sword! You is like a samurai warrior from those samurai movies!

Luna: I’m flattered. Haha…

Raven: HEY! I can conjure the SAME!

Cyborg: -walks up, carrying an injured Robin- Oh, shush. At least the fight is over.

Robin doesn’t say anything. He just groans in pain.

Beast Boy: You okay, Peri? You took a real beating out there.

Peridot: Daijobu. Watashi is just glad that Luna-nechan is finally moving on…even just a little from Milky.

Starfire: -gingerly- And we would also apologize for “stealing” the abandoned possessions of…presumably Milky’s?

Luna: It’s alright. You all have done me a favor to dump all these past memories. Even if I’ll still miss them… After all… Milky is still family to me…

Beast Boy: Don’t worry about it, yo. Yeah, it’ll hurt because they is memories. But you’s gotta look to the future, man!

Luna: -she then ponders on something else- … Say, Beast Boy. How would you like a job?

Beast Boy: It does gets boring lounging at home watching TV and gaming all the times, so HECK YEAH!

Peridot: HOORAY!!! No more labor shortage-desuuuu!!!!


Robin: -painfully groaning offscreen- Does that mean…we have another permanent vagrant in the tower…?

Luna: -thinks back to how poorly Peridot fought-... I think… Peridot should stay with you heroes, actually.

Robin: -offscreen- Oh, great…This is basically…confirmation…

Luea: What for?

Luna: I feel she needs to toughen up if she wants to survive in this world. Besides… This won’t be the last we see of Milky. -looks up at Beast Boy- And I think you can help make her stronger. If Milky thinks I’m the one making her weak… Then I want you to prove her wrong with what she thinks about humans, Beast Boy.

Beast Boy: NOICE!!!! So work starts tomorrow?

Luna: -smiles- Certainly. I want you to be at Moonstone Sushi Bar/Restaurant at nine in the morning SHARP! Peridot will show you the ropes.

Peridot: HOORAYYYY!!! Friendship working together!!! Watashi training with them-desu!!!! I’ll make Luna-nechan proud-desuuu!!

Robin: -offscreen- AND ANOTHER VAGRANT!!!

While everybody else is chuckling, Raven notices Luea slipping away.

Raven: Where are you going?

Luea: Night jobs. You know. I can’t be late.

Raven: Alright. Take care. And try and get some more sleep when you get back.

Luea guiltily gazes at her adoptive sister before forcing herself to slip away to the direction of the abandoned factory.

[To Be Continued…]

Lunar Tears - imadumdumjewel - Teen Titans Go! [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.