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This is not to suggest that Columbus was a perfect man, or that he — or any 15th century European or indigenous person — would fit comfortably in our modern world. Our modern iconoclasts would do well to think before they smash, and to realize that when the black hoods follow the dictates of the white hoods, it is the Klan that wins and history that loses. The NCCA seeks to honor not only the memory of Columbus and his historic achievement in linking the old world and the new but also the higher values that motivated and sustained him in his efforts.

Monticello es un lugar muy grato para vivir. Tiene esa arquitectura un poco cursi y pretenciosa, típica de la Ilustración.

La imitación del Neoclasicismo en los edificios fue una obsesión de Thomas Jefferson. Eso, pero sobre todo la falta de arquitectos solventes en el territorio recién independizado, le hicieron copiar sin pudor edificios del estilo en boga por toda Europa en su etapa de embajador. Jefferson y esta es una de las razones que citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales que fuese declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

Debe haber en Europa mil casonas como esa, pero no han merecido tan alto honor. Debía vivirse bien en Monticello. Las estancias citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales agradables, el paisaje, solemne, y la plantación muy hermosa.

Especialmente si para mantener todo eso no tienes que hacerte callos en las manos. Jefferson poseyó toda su vida. Esto, sin embargo, no ha hecho ni de Monticello ni de Th. Jefferson un símbolo de la esclavitud. No sólo no se ha atrevido, es que ni se le ha ocurrido. Porque la potencia de estos símbolos es la del grupo que los creó, que vive en ellos y se expresa a través de ellos. La moda ahora citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales la heroica lucha a toro pasado contra la discriminación es el indigenismo.

Y este indigenismo de salón, que hace furor en los departamentos universitarios, va a buscar enemigos destructores de los pueblos nativos a los que agraviar en donde sabe que puede hacerlo sin peligro: Porque hace tiempo ya que todos los símbolos del mundo hispanocatólico o latinocatólico son res nullius.

Se puede entrar en ellos citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales en una finca sin amo para buscar el aval de respetabilidad que se necesite en cada momento. Y con esto llegamos a la segunda mitad de la explicación: Es un sistema tan simple y tan tonto que da vergüenza explicarlo. Pero es citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales para entender el triunfo de ese grupo humano que denominamos wasp white anglo saxon protestant.

El concejal Mitch O'Farrell no va a pedir que se retire la Medalla de Honor del congreso con que fueron condecorados los veinte soldados del Séptimo de Caballería que, obedeciendo órdenes, perpetraron el genocidio de Wounded Knee el 19 de diciembre de sobre población lakota desarmada e indefensa.

Primero se les prometió que se respetarían sus vidas si entregaban las armas. Después fueron rodeados por cañones manejados por los veinte heroicos soldados y bombardeados hasta la aniquilación, con mujeres y niños. Tampoco se va acordar O'Farrell de la matanza dirigida por el general Custer en Wash*ta en sobre población cheyenne. Y si sigo me falta periódico. Eso sin salir del siglo XIX. Vamos también a saltar por encima de detalles molestos que no quedan bien en Hollywood, como que el famoso Gerónimo, hijo de Hermenegildo Monteso y Catalina Chagori, era un indio hispano y católico.

Total, que si Vd. Javier Vallaure ni el embajador en Washington D. Pedro Morenés, que han trasladado su decepción a las autoridades locales.

Pero esta actitud honrosa no borra el estado de indiferencia general de la comunidad hispana ante la supresión del Columbus Day. O por decirlo de un modo comprensible para todos, a los hispanos y a los españoles. La superioridad moral indiscutible es citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales logro de la mentalidad anglosajona cuyos mecanismos resultan invisibles para quienes no lo son. Por eso John W. Para tapar la explosión de fanatismo y violencia que la irrupción del protestantismo trajo consigo, el decorado de Europa se adornó de horrores inquisitoriales.

En Estados Unidos la limpieza de la sangre derramada y la desaparición de las poblaciones nativas se taparon acusando a los españoles de ser los exterminadores de los indios. Cuando se suben las escaleras del monumento a Citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales en Washington se tiene la sensación de estar ingresando en un templo, porque lo es. La imponente estatua se yergue majestuosa en el centro y las flores se acumulan a sus pies.

No importa la enorme diferencia que hay entre el hombre y el mito, porque lo importante es la capacidad de un pueblo para crearlos y hacerlos respetar. Y esa es su grandeza. Cuesta trabajo determinar si un pueblo se vuelve grande porque es capaz de generar mitos en torno a los que aglutinarse o al revés. Hace una década hubiera escrito que la mitificación es el resultado de la hegemonía. Ahora no lo veo tan claro. Francisco Javier Vallaure de Acha. Consulado General de España en Los Citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales.

María Elvira Roca Barea. The ad above was placed in Craigslist. They specifically wanted protesters to protest against the white nationalists. Asked if could work all day, they said "could work 24hr straight if want to! They had transportation ready from every state within the USA, too! Asked how would they know if was working at all? Here's the good part, they had a tracker on you, sort of like a credit card. You had to check in every 5hrs with a lead! Asked if could work again.

Was told that they had work for the next 3. The funds to pay for the protestors work hours were traced by to George Soros and a few other wealthy individuals and political groups.

Aside from one nutjob in Charlottesville, what violence have we seen from the far-right lately? In fact, according to one calculation, Americans are 51 times more likely to be killed by a jihadist than a right-wing terroristand 13 times more likely to be killed by leftist terrorism.

Thanks to a protest Antifa held in Portland yesterday, we have seven fresh-off-the-press mugshots. These criminals came to a demonstration equipped with rocks, smoke bombs, and other projectiles. It turns out that attacking the police is a quick and easy way of getting arrested. Here are the mugshots of the perpetrators, courtesy of Breaking They did not fulfill my expectancy of what I thought an anti-fascist would look like.

They look like a stereotyped fascist to me. Sure can't tell by looking. Here are their identities and relevant charges: On that horrific day, on a bright sunshine-riddled morning, Islamist terrorists flew two passenger airplanes into the World Trade Center towers, collapsing them both and murdering nearly 3, Americans; flew another passenger airliner into the Pentagon; and were only prevented from flying a fourth into the White House or Capitol by the bravery of passengers who forced the crash of the flight in a field in Pennsylvania.

America responded with the full brunt of her wrath. For a brief moment in time, we were united against a common enemy: We increased bureaucracy and security at our airports. We poured money into building our military. But we knew one thing: We had learned our lessons. Ben Shapiro places the blame for US Muslim problems on government policies going back through many presidents. I edited it down to reduce the partisan comments. For the full text, please go to the original essay.

Here were some of the lessons we should have learned. The foreign policy of quasi-isolationism, combined with occasional citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales rights-driven interventionism, was a formula for failure. Bin Laden saw the United States as a paper tiger. That prompted him to strike, thinking that he would get away with it.

For a decade, the Administration reached out to the Palestinian government with cash, pressure on our ally Israel, and symbolic moves to legitimize the regime. One of the great myths purveyed by Bin Laden was that the United States had been overtly hostile toward Citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales around the world.

Friendliness toward the Muslim world does not matter to Islamists, who seek only the domination of a religious caliphate. Yet the our Administration sought friendship with the Iranian government, essentially handing them a nuclear program and control of a vast swath of the Middle East. All 19 of the hijackers arrived on visas, either student, tourist, or business. Several of them overstayed their visas. Our porous southern border is a problem. Europe is finding that out the hard way through increased crime and terrorism.

That logic led the Administration to think that replacement of regimes with more democratic institutions would naturally effectuate less terror; the bizarre argument favored the so-called Arab Spring. That was a problem with the implementation of the theory, not the theory itself. America Has Real Enemies.

The first duty of the government is to prevent those threats and stop those who would perpetrate them. We should be unified in that effort, not divided for political reasons. We seem to be back where we started — in the miasma of isolationism, although tempered by a stronger anti-terror mechanism abroad.

Teachers in Britain who have Muslim students in their classes are worried that, by delving into the true, indisputable facts about one of the worst terrorist attacks in history, they will accidentally offend parents. There is a fear [among teachers] but it is not really grounded in anything. It is based on their stereotypical view of a community as opposed to the reality. It is very misplaced. It is an assumption. All we know is that his defense citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales this sounds just like the politically-correct BS you hear from Islamists and Islam apologists.

Hanif prays at a church, synagogue, or a mosque. This is an infection that has spread to liberals of every stripe and creed. That we have to deny the facts that are right in front of our faces. Oskar Schindler was a German businessman who saved more than 1, Jews during World War II by cunningly convincing the Nazi regime that he needed the free labor to keep his army-supply factory functioning.

Most of us have at some point heard, read or seen something on television about Mr.

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Another noteworthy historical figure known for his humanitarian efforts during World War II was Angel Sanz Briz, the Spanish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews from the Nazi regime while serving in Hungary.

In order to persuade the German occupiers to free some prisoners, Mr. Sanz claimed that citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales of the Sephardic Jews were entitled to Spanish citizenship because they were the descendants of those expelled from Spain citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales the Catholic monarchy in the late 15 th century.

With this scheme, Mr. Sanz saved more than 5, Jews and granted them Spanish citizenship. Mexican diplomat Gilberto Bosques Saldívar snatched 40, prisoners from the grip of fascism during the second world war.

Bosques was born on July 20, into a middle-class family in a small town in the state of Puebla. After his active participation in the Mexican Revolution, Mr. Not long after his arrival, however, the German occupation of Paris became imminent and Mr. The original mandate of Mr.

In order to save as many refugees as possible, Mr. Bosques rented two castles in Marseille, planted the Mexican flag in both and kept and fed as many refugees as he could fit, many of them rescued from concentration camps and underground safe houses. Bosques then convinced the Mexican government to send passenger vessels to the coast to pick up the refugees and take them to Mexico. InMexico broke off diplomatic relations with occupied France.

Not long after, German forces occupied the Mexican consulate and arrested the refugees that were waiting to be transported to Mexico. They confiscated documents and property of Mr.

Bosques and his family, and he and the 43 members of the Mexican consulate were sent to the German-controlled locality of Amélie-les-Bains. That same year, German submarines destroyed Mexican tankers that were transporting oil to the United States, and in response Mexico declared war on the Axis powers.

At that point Mr. Bosques and his family became prisoners of war and were taken to a prison-hotel in the German town of Bad Godesberg.

It was not until that Mr. Bosques was freed and returned to Mexico where he was received as a hero by the refugees he had saved. The problem of refugees citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales unfortunately not limited to the history books of World War II.

In recent months in Mexico it has not been uncommon to find articles in the newspapers about Haitian refugees in Tijuana and the northern border states, or news about Central Americans looking for a better life in Mexico. There are also stories about a few Syrian refugees in Mexico. Mexico has always been a hospitable society, and we need to work to preserve that.

Even today, we can see the thriving descendants of the refugees Mr. Bosques helped to escape. The contributions, loyalty, and thankfulness of refugees makes for a stronger and more diverse society. The common thread of the stories of these World War II heroes was the great risk they took to preserve human life and to protect the most vulnerable members of society. We need to build more bridges, not walls. The research, authored by Arab textbooks expert Dr.

Aaron Groiss in collaboration with leaders of each of the involved organizations, examined some textbooks of various school subjects, taught in grades one through Seventy-five of the books checked were published in the years andas part of a new project initiated by the Palestinian Authority, which provides its curriculum to UNRWA schools. According to the Palestinian schoolbooks, Jews have no rights whatsoever in the region but only "greedy ambitions.

The study also shows that cities established by Jews in modern times, including Tel Aviv, are sometimes not shown on maps. While demonization of Jews is less evident in the PA schoolbooks, compared to books of some other Arab governments, Jews are still demonized as opponents citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales Islam's revered prophets, namely, Moses? One edition textbook emphasizes a poem with the motif of the struggle for the liberation of Al-Aksa Mosque and of the whole country, beyond the territories occupied by Israel innamely, the cities of Haifa and Jaffa within Israel's pre borders.

The study also points out that the concept of violent liberation is further intensified in the books published inas they now include, for the first time in the history of the PA curriculum, a reference to the fate of the 6 million Jews living in the country after its supposed liberation.

UNRWA also betrays its moral obligation toward the Palestinian children and youths' human rights and well-being, by letting the PA prepare them for a future war with Israel. The agency also offers health and social services.

It is clear that the United States is the largest contributor to the United Nation budget, and also clear that we, as a nation, are out-voted regularly. The 56 countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation have continued to control of the funds and message and is not performing as a global leader for peace. In fact, they are willfully promoting hatred and anti-Jewish and anti-American sentiments. Our tax dollars are paying for books that demonize the one ally we have in the Middle East, Israel.

These text-books are proof that world peace is not the goal of those currently in control of the United Nations.

We need to be historically educated and alert to resist the false history being used to support action which does not lead to unity and peace. Over 30 years ago, my husband I and I traveled to Israel and Egypt, on our own, no tour. We happened to rent a room and stay almost a week with a very senior older lady who came to Israel in the first wave of Jews seeking peace. She described purchasing unwanted swamp land, cutting trees, branches, and brush, first and with soil.

We made it usable, productive. We did not take, we bought, and made it bloom. My Mom had said, you'll know when you fly over Israel. When I asked her how, she just said, "you'll know". The agricultural and animal husbandry skills of Israel's scientists are miraculous. You will see apple trees, planted next to banana trees, the use of salt water to irrigate, and many more methodology and systems to maximize the fruitfulness of the land.

It was reclaimed a hundred years ago both financially and with dedicated hard work. Heritage Foundation citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales Brett Schaefer told the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee responsible for multilateral institutions that he believed "it was in the interests of the U.

Jesse Leavenworth Contact Reporter. East Catholic students' video challenges "prayer shaming". The school posted the video on its Facebook page https: Calls of thanks and encouragement have come in from throughout the country, Hartling said. The video, which also has been posted on several news sites, shows students holding handwritten placards with messages such as, "So many have told God that he's not welcome in public" and "Pray that God is allowed back into our lives.

The reaction stems from so-called "prayer shaming" in the wake of the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif. After 14 people were killed and many more wounded by a married couple who proclaimed allegiance to the Islamic State, Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut blasted his colleagues for resorting to boilerplate "thoughts and prayers" while rejecting policies that would better control gun sales.

But East Catholic students do not favor prayer over action, Hartling said. Students are immersed in community service, volunteering at area soup kitchens, raising money and collecting food for needy families and distributing Christmas gifts to poor children. So you want to take a knee. Hold a musket ball in your fingers and imagine it piercing your flesh and breaking a bone or two. There won't be a doctor or trainer to assist you until after the battle, so just wait your turn.

Take your cleats and socks off to get a real experience. Then take a knee. Then, take one at the beach in Normandy where man after American man stormed the beach, even as the one in front of him was shot to pieces The only blockers most had were the dead bodies in front of them, riddled with bullets from enemy fire.

Take a knee on "Old Baldy" where Chinese and North Korean's army led a ferocious attack against American forces during that freezing winter of the Korean War.

Yes, how about the standoff at the 38th Parallel where childhood friends were wounded and killed? It was so loyal Americans could continue honoring the American flag and principles it stands for. The time has come for those hyphenated athletes to honor our country first and football last. Professional sports, particularly basketball, are the most segregated ones in the country. Fairy-Tale athletes need to change that equation before they scream discrimination.

Take a knee in the sweat soaked jungles of Vietnam. Americans died in all those jungles. There was no playbook that told them what was next, but they knew what flag they represented.

When they came home, they were protested as well, and spit on for reasons only cowards know. Wear your Kevlar helmet and battle dress Your number won't be printed on it unless your number is up! You'll need to stay hydrated but there won't be anyone to squirt Gatorade into your mouth. You're on your own. There's a lot of places to take a knee.

Americans have given their lives all over the world. When you use the banner under which they fought as a source for your displeasure, you dishonor the memories of those who bled for the very freedoms you have.

That's what the red stripes mean. It represents the blood of those who spilled a sea of it defending your liberty. While you're on your knee, pray for those that came before you, not on a manicured lawn striped and printed with numbers to announce every inch of ground taken No cheerleaders, no announcers, no coaches, no fans — just American men and women — delivering the real fight against those who chose to harm us — blazing a path so you would have the right to "take a knee.

You haven't an inkling what it took to get you where you are — but your "protest" is duly noted. Not only is it disgraceful to a nation of real heroes, it serves the purpose of pointing to your citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales for those who chose to defend you under that banner that will still wave long after your jersey is retired.

If you really feel the need to take a knee, come with me to church on Sunday and we'll both kneel before Almighty God. We'll thank him for preserving this country for as long as He has. We'll beg forgiveness for our ingratitude for all He has provided us.

We'll appeal to Him for understanding and wisdom. We'll pray for liberty and justice for all But there will be no protest. There will only be gratitude for His provision and a plea for His continued grace and mercy on the land of the free and the home of the brave.

It goes like this El que tenga valor que me siga: The Future of the Wilbur-Cruce. Both the Mare and the Colt have Caspian markings. Relationships between horses and humans are documented in Paleolithic paintings, as far back as, 33, years ago, in the Chauvet Pont d'Arc Cave in France.

The technology of riding Thousands of years ago in Central Asia the first nomadic tribes began to domesticate horses. Early human civilizations concentrated in the fertile valleys along large rivers. Animal domestication and farming advancements led to the rise of empires.

Civilizations developed and trade increasingly expanded, as did the need for controlling important trade routes. Domesticated equine were an integral part of this system of development. Horses tended to be differentiated by use rather than breed. Different in size and build from modern horse, the heritage horses were vital for agriculture, transportation and war. The Iberian horse with his extraordinarily dominant genes has survived all manner of change and adversity and still today has a place in breeding for the future… No creature, with the possible exception of the dog, means as much to man as does the horse.

Our history is linked more closely to this animal than to any other species. When the Spanish colonial explorers arrived in the Americas, they brought citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales them the descendants of the Iberian horses. Among the Jesuit Missionaries, who sailed from Spain with Francisco de Ortega inwas Father Eusebio Kino, a Franciscan missionary, explorer, cartographer and rancher. Father Kino was fundamental in the establishment of heritage breeds of livestock in the Americas.

He arrived in Mexico City from Veracruz, traveling by horse through central and northern Mexico, Arizona, Baja and southern California. InPadre Kino ventured up the Altar River to Sonora, founded the Mission Citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales in Pimeria Alta, and began to selectively breed quality livestock to sell throughout the region.

Kino bred for characteristics of sure footedness, great endurance, strength and an ability to create deep bonds with their human partners.

Padre Kino bronze in Tucson, AZ. Wilber and a native Arizonan, notes that her Wilbur-Cruce WC horses were bred in isolation, thrived and multiplied into the hundreds. Then inshe sold part of the ranch to The Nature Conservancy; the sale required the removal of the horses. Eva Antonia contacted her friend, Dr.

Later that same year, Dr. Sponenberg, who is also a geneticist, was the first to test the blood type of these WC horses. The results of the testing indicated Iberian bloodlines. These are the only known strain of pure Spanish horse that remains today…the need to preserve these horses is great. Spanish horses in North America lost their Spanish identity. We offer event and banquet services for your special occasions, like birthdays, weddings and anniversaries.

A blind nine year old is awed by the thrill of stroking Jalon. The Heritage Discovery Center, Inc. One hundred percent of all donations go to the care and feeding, to preserve fifty-five horses, the largest herd of WC horses in the Americas. The WC horses at RDS present in diverse coat colors, still embody magnificent character and adaptability, and carry the rare genetics of the ancient breeds. This budget would cover feed and medical, and does not include renovation or expansion campaigns.

Due to donation shortfall we may not have enough feed to get through to the end of this year, and with our coffers empty, we critically need your support NOW to preserve these rare treasures. What you can do to help: Save your heritage www. The forgotten spanish treasureSomos Primos, Retrieved from http: How equine speed and human intelligence citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales the course of history.

North american colonial spanish horse update, April Comparison citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales equine assisted modality studies for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. La obra analiza el papel de Espa ñ a en la Guerra de Independencia Estadounidense. Palacio del Río Room. Cartel anunciador de la presentación del libro.

El que tenga honor y valor que me siga. Republic of Texas colony holds election, September 12, April marked the th anniversary of the U. On this day injust nine days after reaching their new settlement, Henri Castro, impresario of the Republic of Texas, and his first thirty-five colonists held an election to choose two justices of the peace, a constable, and the settlement's name, Castroville. Henri Castro, a learned, wise, and humane man, received contracts for two grants of land on which he was to establish families.

In the management of his colonies, he is more comparable to Stephen F. Austin than any other Texas impresario. He had an unbounded faith in the capacity of intelligent men for self-government.

During Castro's colony's first year the population grew to 2, Although the colony suffered from Indian depredations, cholera, and the drought ofthe population increased sufficiently for the formation of Medina County in Our first entry citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales the little-known fact that the Bureau of Immigration played a key role in the U.

Only minutes after the U. Read more about it. As the American military mobilized to enter World War I inits ranks filled with a diverse cross-section of American society, including immigrants from around the world.

Our second entry discusses immigrant contributions to the U. Be sure to check our WWI Centennial page for updates throughout the centennial. Jose Ramos, a Purple Heart recipient and longtime Vietnam veterans advocate, dead at citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales The obituary for Granadero Richard Whynot may be found at the following link: If you are able to attend, it is requested that Granaderos wear their membership blazons on a blue blazer and Damas wear their membership brooches to show our solidarity in support and respect for our friend who passed.

The ship's bell stuck eight, the watch changed, and CAPT. He served on ten military vessels and after leaving active service for the Reserve, commanded four USCG Reserve units. An expert on Artic operations, he instructed other CG officers on the skills required in that hostile maritime environment. He attended Northeastern Univ. This provided the opportunity to research and lecture on military and Spanish Colonial history, in Texas and Louisiana. Inafter Mary passed away, he established a scholarship program in her memory at Charity Hospital School of Nursing, New Orleans where she graduated in the Class of providing two scholarships annually to deserving students.

With a history of mariners in his family, he embraced the saying that "they who go down to sea in ships will always wish for fair winds and a following sea" when bound for the final homeport. The family will receive friends Tuesday, September 19th from 6: MolinaWhittier Daily News Posted: Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the day into law inwith Ramos by his side.

Thirty-eight states and Puerto Rico joined in recognizing the day. Jose Guadalupe Ramos was born on Sept. Ramos received an honorary degree in June. Ramos said in an interview this summer that it took him two months of combat in Vietnam, that entire time saddled with trying to keep his soldiers alive, to learn that he had to shut down his emotions to be a good medic. He was shot in the leg and received the Purple Heart, returning home in October It took decades for him to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Community Hospital before retiring in Around the same time, Ramos began his work recognizing Vietnam veterans. He first rode in in a bicycle tour through Vietnam with other war veterans from both sides of the conflict. Two years later, Ramos rode his bicycle from Whittier to Washington, D. Bush to proclaim March 30 a holiday remembering Vietnam veterans.

InRamos again led a bike ride, this time from Irwindale to Washington, D. Linda Sanchez as an ally and was a member of her veterans advisory committee. He said he owed his life to his friend. Herrera and Jacob A. Herrera; and his brother, Ray Ramos, and sister, Conchita Quinonez.

Ramos died from cancer treatment complications, his family said. Ramos, himself a Vietnam War veteran, wanted his fellow vets to get the recognition they deserved. So he began a campaign to establish a day of recognition and support for Vietnam veterans. InRamos had participated citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales a day, mile bicycle ride through Vietnam.

From that experience, he decided to organize a bicycle ride across the United States to promote his plan. Linda Sanchez took up the cause. She, along with citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales other members of the House of Representatives, sent a request to the White House, asking the President to designate a day of thanks and recognition for Vietnam Vets.

The President did not issue the proclamation, but gradually Ramos built support for his proposed bicycle trek. The cyclists stopped at dozens of Vet Centers and VA hospitals along the way, and they visited with hundreds of veterans. March 30 was the day the last combat and support troops withdrew from Vietnam. They got a "cold reception" at the White House but, undeterred, began a six-day door-to-door campaign, visiting every member of the House of Representatives and gaining sponsors among them.

Ramos, who was present at the signing ceremony, vowed to continue to fight for a national day of recognition. In citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales, a resolution passed the U.

As Ramos said in"There was a mistake made, thirty, forty years ago. The veterans serving today, this will never happen to you. Services for Jose G. Rosary; Friday, September 15th 6: Internment Rose Hills Cemetery between 1: Today, June 15,there appeared an article in our local Whittier newspaper, talking about how I finally received my high school diploma from Garfield HS in ELA, fifty years after walking off of the campus for the very last time injust prior to my enlistment into the US Army.

Receiving my diploma after so many years, turned out to be a very important event in my life. I never planned or contemplated on the idea of a diploma, however, it did naw at the back of mind. After so many years of serving my country, and in more recent years, serving my Veterans and my community, I have been to so many places, met so many famous Politicians, movie stars and people of importance, including the Prince and duch*ess of England!!! I've received several awards, medals, plaques, etc, for recognition for some of the work I have done to help our Veterans move forward after their military obligations are completed.

Ironically though, this HS diploma has turned out to be one if the best days of my adult life, no kidding.

Fellow Vietnam Veteran Alfredo Lugo, was the main force behind this diploma becoming a reality, with an additional push from Carlos Venegas and Arnulfo Hernandez, also fellow Vietnam Veterans. However, I would like to tell you about Alfredo Lugo. He is well regarded and respected in the entertainment world as a produced Playwright, a fellow author and has produced several documentaries for PBS Television along with many for private organizations, many of these, pro bono.

In most of his creativity, there is usually a Veteran or a Veterans cause affiliated with his "projects". I've seen Alfredo ride his bicycle across the nation, in order to find and film the homeless Veteran disgrace, while toting around tons of filming equipment plus personal gear. I've seen Alfredo Lugo go on travels that have taken him across the nation or across the globe for personal time or creative business, and on each occasion he returned with containers, holding something which brought within it, a sense of hope, of possibilities for a brother, a Vietnam Veteran who is suffering with incurable, inoperable cancer.

How do you thank someone like Alfredo? How do I find the proper words? I think my best route might be to just share my story with those who know me, us, Alfredo and I. To allow others to know, that I am very, very grateful to another human being, not only for caring but for ALWAYS taking the extra step and making the extra effort. Alfredo, you are a special kind of man and I am so glad that God chose to put you in my life. Thank you friend, God bless you and welcome home.

Financial Resources for Veterans Returning to School. Michael continues his extensive de Riberas family history, which is included in Somos Primos resources. The 19th chapter is devoted to the important Spanish military contributions and participation in the War of In addition, Michael has meticulously compiled a list of the soldiers, by name, rank and the company in which they served.

Given the fact that by and large the history of the North American Continent has been written by non-Spanish writers it is without a doubt skewed toward an Anglo-American and Northern European perspective. The nature of American history has been wholly deficient in its content regarding Hispanics and their contributions to the freedom in the United States of America, which includes its wars.

I would like to offer some comments on traditional American history which portrays its warrior officers, soldiers, and sailors of the 18th and 19th-Century C. With time and the transition in populations and cultures a newer w eltanschauung is brought about. Each successive wave of immigrants brings new thoughts, ideas, food, culture, historical perspective, etc.

Regarding the Anglo-American empire of the United States, its cultural and historical genesis was that of England and later Britain. With expansion came other Northern European stock which melded with the majority over time. Thus, American emphasis citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales these two groups in writing their history. In time, Southern Europeans joined the mix, integrated, intermarried, and became Americans.

This includes those of Spanish stock. These would eventually want their part of the story told. It should be remembered that wars and those who fight them, and the lands and seas on which they are fought, are not removed from history.

Rather, they continue to be a part of it. They are in fact subject to that history. Just as time passes over citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales geographic area, a city, or town so it does with empires and those who citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales them. Each contributed to its unique culture and history and none should be excluded whether by accident, ignorance, or by purpose.

Thus, there is no need to speak of them. It is accepted that everyone already knows them. These views guide most of the society we are a part of.

In the United States, we have lived with these American world-views all of our lives. They comprise the system under which we operate. There are many American world-views. It is difficult for many to understand that to be an American is not solely being of one ethnic, cultural, or racial group.

These uniquely American world-views are only a part of why these men and women willingly gave their lives and fortunes for its survival and growth. They did so simply for the love of country and its precious freedoms. Only in the recent past have Black Americans forced the rewriting of that history to include their progenitors, citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales in my estimation is the right thing to do.

Due to this Northern European-centric view of American history, I felt duty bound to offer some insight into Hispanic contributions to the continued success of America and its Hispanic soldiers that fought during the War of In this vein, I would like to offer to the reader that there were those of Spanish, Hispanic, and Hispano descent who also fought in the War of This includes the de Riberas. This I state not as conjecture, but fact. During the Revolutionary War many other immigrants arrived from the Atlantic states.

After the Americans arrived, the French, Españoles, and others remained to live, have their children, and die. In the case of the Españoles, previous to the Américanosthey had held the land as Spanish Luisiana from C. Many things can happen over a fifty year period, as it did from C.

They came, lived, and intermarried with other groups which had settled there. Some took non-Spanish names through marriage or for other reasons. But none the less, they were still of Spanish stock. In this chapter, I will provide some of those names of the soldiers of Spanish, Hispanic, and Hispano descent that fought and died during this war.

Below is one page from the 35 pages of compiled Spanish military. Original filed under Alcantara, Joseph. Captain Hubbard's Mounted Company La. Captain Hubbard's Mounted Company, La. De Clouet's Regiment, La. See also 7 Reg't. Le Beuf'sLa. The drawing is a reconstruction of how the grave with the woman originally may have looked. War was not an activity exclusive to males in the Viking world. A new study conducted by researchers at Stockholm and Uppsala Universities shows that women could be found in the higher ranks at the battlefield.

Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson, who led the study, explains: The study was conducted on one of the most iconic graves from the Viking Age. It holds the remains of a warrior surrounded by weapons, including a sword, armour-piercing arrows, and two horses.

There were also a full set of gaming pieces and a gaming board. The warrior was buried in the Viking town of Birka during the midth century. Isotope analyses confirm an itinerant life style, well in tune with the martial society that dominated 8th to 10th century northern Europe.

Anna Kjellström, who also participated in the study, has taken an interest in the burial previously. And this is why the archaeologists turned to genetics, to retrieve a molecular sex identification based on X and Y chromosomes. Such analyses can be quite useful according to Maja Krezwinska: Maja was thus able to confirm the morphological citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales identification with the presence of X chromosomes but the lack of a Y chromosome. Especially, the grave-goods cemented an interpretation for over a century".

It was just assumed she was a man through all these years. The article "A female Viking warrior confirmed by genomics" is published in American Journal of Physical Anthropology: Geological Survey said the earthquake hit off Chiapas state near the Guatemalan border with a magnitude of 8. National civil defense chief Luis Felipe Puente told the Televisa network that at least 15 people had died, 10 of them in Oaxaca, also close to the epicenter.

Hundreds of buildings collapsed or were damage, power was cut at least briefly to more than 1. Geological Survey recorded at least 20 aftershocks of magnitude 4.

The USGS said the quake struck at It had a depth of As beds banged against walls, people still wearing pajamas fled into the streets, gathering in frightened groups. Manuel Velasco said that three people were killed in San Cristobal, including two women who died when a house and a wall collapsed. He called on people living near the coast to leave their houses as a protective measure.

Arturo Nunez said two children had died in his Gulf coast state. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said waves of one meter 3. Smaller tsunami waves were observed on the coast or measured by ocean gauges in several other places.

No threat was posed to Hawaii and the western and South Pacific. Mexican authorities said they were evacuating some residents of coastal Tonala and Puerto Madero because of the warning.

The quake hit as Mexican emergency agencies were bracing for another crisis on the other side of the country. National Hurricane Center said Hurricane Katia was likely to strike the Gulf coast in the state of Veracruz early Saturday as a Category 2 storm that could bring life-threatening floods.

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In neighboring Guatemala, President Jimmy Morales spoke on national television to call for calm while emergency crews checked for damage. He said the unconfirmed death occurred in San Marcos state near the border with Mexico. The quake occurred in a very seismically active region near the point of collision between three tectonic plates, the Cocos, the Caribbean and the North American. The new quake matched the force of a magnitude 8.

A powerful aftershock that hit 19 days later caused a tsunami that devastated 15 miles 25 kilometers of coastline, killing 75 people.

Frank Griffiths in London contributed to this report. Sent by Robert Smith pleiku yahoo. Hundreds of buildings collapsed or were damaged, power was cut at least briefly to more than 1. At least 58 people died when the most powerful earthquake to hit Mexico in over eight decades tore through buildings, forced mass evacuations and triggered alerts as far away as Southeast Asia, with most fatalities in the picturesque state of Oaxaca.

The effects of the quake were particularly devastating because of the type of ground upon which the city sits.

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Mexico City is on a plateau surrounded by mountains and volcanoes. The plateau region was covered by lakes in ancient times. As the aquifer under the city has slowly drained, it has been discovered that the city sits atop a combination of dirt and sand that is much less stable than bedrock and can be quite volatile during an earthquake.

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The quake on September 19 was centered miles west of the city but, due to the relatively unstable ground underneath the city, serious shaking lasted for nearly 3 minutes. The prolonged ground movement caused several old hotels, including the Regis, Versailles and Romano, to crumble. A building at the National College of Professional Education fell, trapping hundreds of students who were attending early-morning classes. Many factories in the city, built with shoddy materials, also could not stand.

Further, the tremors caused gas mains to break, causing fires and explosions throughout the city. When the damage was finally assessed, 3, buildings in Mexico City were demolished and anothersuffered serious damage.

First responders to southern Mexico earthquake, September A View Through the Sociological Lens. Given today's cascade of citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales, I ponder on how disasters can change the course of history.

Southern Mexico just had an 8. We know that the economic and political landscape of any country is permanently disrupted when hit by a serious hurricane, earthquake, flood, fire, or war event. Further on, we saw volunteers, mostly young boys between 12 and 20 years old, working to save doctors-in-training who were trapped in what had been the high rise dormitory of UNAM's medical school.

There were very few survivors. A whole generation of Mexico's new doctors was gone. Owing to our presence, the Director had quickly organized the first damage assessment of medical facilities and, within two days presented us with the first needs lists that enabled an effective response from the U.

With our partners, they enlisted the personal jets of regional petroleum corporations to citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales the specifically requested medicines and supplies to Naucalpan's Red Cross Hospital. Ambulances began delivering victims immediately.

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citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales There were hundreds of them. Direct Relief donations began to arrive that same day. Volunteers received, sorted and dispersed the medicines, supplies and equipment to the hospital, while I worked on site to coordinate the response. Within just a few days, several emergency field hospitals were flown in, and set up nearby to supplement the hospital's capabilities. Nature's forces can be very terrifying and even the strongest weep or feel impotent, yet what I do know is it brings citas prescott valley az craigslist yard sales the best of the human spirit as well.

I saw this in the many disaster volunteers and professionals we encountered in Mexico, California and Texas. The mind of the crowd humanity takes over the mind of the individual and it seems that everyone tries to help under these conditions.

Some people arise and become leaders in emergency situations, quickly mobilizing the best they know how, with steady head and purpose, while trying to figure out how to gain access to resources hundreds of miles away from human calamity, and observing them is all-inspiring and a demonstration of great human spirit!

Leaders who rise up like this are amongst those many heroes who made a lasting contribution to saving the lives of those that had been spared death but needed medical care and attention, many doing so at the risk of their own lives. Again, I can only imagine what our fellow humans in the Caribbean Islands have experienced and what Floridians will soon be going through because of Hurricane Irma.

The destruction of all they have — can you imagine having to endure that? We are all linked forever to the social network of humanity and to those who are asked without choice to face nature's unforgiving destructive forces and calamities, a choice which we, too, may one day have to face.

What the Spaniards feared the most after the conquest of Mexicowas the uniting of the enslaved Africans and Indigenous Peoples.

En El Grito de Independencia proclaimed by the rogue priest Father Miguel Hidalgo on September 16, 18 10 their worst night mares would become reality. Morelos would be given an assignment by Hidalgo to go south to Michoacan and to recruit an army, which Morelos accepted. As the rebel army retreated from Mexico City a disaster awaited at the Bridge of Calderon.

As the battle raged a wagon loaded with gun powder exploded, killing and maiming hundreds of rebels, creating fear and confusion causing many to flee in terror. Father Hidalgo was now doomed. As he tried to flee with the remnants of his army he would be captured and executed leaving the revolution in the hands of the black priest Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon. As the revolution continued in the south Morelos would meet Vicente Guerrero who was of Spanish, indigenous and black ancestry.

Joining the revolution Guerrero quickly earned promotions for his leadership and bravery on the battlefield. Again another misfortune would occur with the capture and execution of Morelos in The revolution would rage on for another 6 years now in the hands of the black general, Vicente Guerrero.

After years of fighting the political winds of change would bring a different climate to Spain causing the Spanish Royalist General Augustine de Iturbide to switch sides. No one knows why he did so but it was certainly not because of altruistic designs but rather political ambitions. As Iturbide was now fighting against the very soldiers he previously was fighting with, sends word to Guerrero to bring his armies north and to join him since he had seen the errors of his ways and was now fighting for the independence of Mexico.

Now Guerrero may have been illiterate but he was no fool and had no faith in Iturbide. Needing more evidence of his intentions Guerrero would wait and continue with his own war in the south. Eventually Guerrero, now realizing that Iturbide was sincere, brings his army north and united they would finally force the Spanish Government to sign the Treaty of Cordoba.

But it was not yet over. It seems that as soon as the treaty was signed Iturbide would forget about El Plan de Iguala and the Three Guarantees which called for equality of all Mexican citizens, the establishment of Catholicism and Independence.

Crowning himself as Emperor would cause yet another struggle between the liberals and the conservatives resulting in Iturbide being exiled from Mexico. And it would not be until under the administration of the black President Vicente Guerrero in that Mexico officially abolished slavery forever. Doug Perkins dperkins utexas. One of your readers referred me to the recent issue of Somos Primos because a photograph used was by my grandfather, Robert Runyon.

Thanks for submitting it. However, the Matamoros battle that the women in the photograph fought in was not the attack on U. This is one of several photographs my grandfather took of soldaderas who fought for rebel forces to document the important role they played in the Mexican Revolution. Runyon did not become a professional photographer until January Besides the battle of Matamoros, Runyon also covered the November battle of Ciudad Victoria, and the April battle of Monterrey and continued his photography business until Although the image you used is clearly a photocopy, he only took a picture of a picture to capture the caption and copyright that he wrote on the image in order to get his post cards out as rapidly as possible as opposed to having the words put on in the darkroom development process or commercial post card printing process.

You can see the image of his original glass plate negative of the soldaderas at https: Thanks again for bringing his image to the public. Doug Perkins De Zacatecas o de Ohio: Hay fuentes que señalan que nació en México y que Edison lo adoptó al emigrar al país del norte y otras, que su origen no es otro que Estados Unidos.

De cualquier manera, no hay duda de que el apellido Alva es portugués, que Edison se nacionalizó norteamericano y que sus mil noventa y tres inventos los patentó en Estados Unidos. We also added to our series on murals depicting the Last Judgment, which we plan to continue in the months ahead. For September, we do plan to start our belated posts on the Silver Chapels of Guanajuato, as well as continuing reports on unusual monastery murals.

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.